Directions : In these questions, you have two brief passages with five questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

Stockholm is spread out on an archipelago of 14
islands, where Lake Malaren meets the Baltic Sea. More
airy than Venice, with wide-open spaces, it is one-third
water. Its other two-thirds combine arched bridges, jet
fountains, and palatial buildings trimmed with gold. For
Stockholmers, fans of great outdoors, this is an amiable
and graceful home and a healthy environment in which to
live. Minutes from the city centre are parks and woodland
for recreation, and clear water for swimming and fishing.
In winter, everyone takes to ice-skating, on artificial rinks
in the shadows of grand palaces, or on the frozen waters of
the channel.
Stockholm is also a city at the leading edge of fashion,
design and advanced technology. Fashion houses and IT
companies use the city as a test market for their innovations,
especially as Stockholmers are followers of technology.
Stockholm is the capital as well as the largest city of
Sweden. It is the site of the government and Parliament of
the country.
999. An archipelago is a collection of _____ .
(1) cities (2) islands
(3) lakes (4) coral-reefs
1000. Stockholm is
(1) One-third water and two-thirds arched bridges,
jet fountains and palatial buildings
(2) Two-thirds water and one-third land
(3) Full of tall buildings
(4) a city with lots of people
1001. What is the opposite of the word ‘amiable’?
(1) Enervating (2) Refreshing
(3) Invigorating (4) Unpleasant
1002. Why is Stockholm used as a test market for innovation
by IT companies and Fashion houses?
(1) The Stockholmers are followers of technology.
(2) Stockholm is the largest city of Sweden.
(3) The citizens are fashionable.
(4) The people like the outdoors.
1003. Stockholm is important to the country because _____.
(1) it has palatial buildings.
(2) there are parks and woodlands for recreation.
(3) there are artificial skating rinks.
(4) it is the largest city and capital of Sweden.
Question No. (1004–1008) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 07-09-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
Learning is the knowledge of that which is not generally
known to others, and which we can only derive at secondhand
from books or other artificial sources. The knowledge
of that which is before us, or about us, which appeals to
our experience, passions, and pursuits, to the bosoms and
businesses of men, is not learning.
Learning is the knowledge of that which none but the
learned know. He is the most learned man who knows the
most of what is farthest removed from common life and
actual observation. The learned man prides himself in the
knowledge of names, and dates, not of men or things. He
thinks and cares nothing about his next-door neighbours,
but he is deeply read in the tribes and castes of the Hindoos
and Calmuc Tartars. He can hardly find his way into the
next street, though he is acquainted with the exact
dimensions of Constantinople and Peking. He does not know
whether his oldest acquaintance is a knave or a fool, but he
can pronounce a pompous lecture on all the principal
characters in history. He cannot tell whether an object is
black or white, round or square, and yet he is a professed
master of the optics and the rules of perspective.
1004. Learning is defined as
(1) the knowledge of that which is before us
(2) the knowledge about us
(3) the knowledge of that which is not generally known
to others
(4) the knowledge related to the businesses of men
1005. The most learned man is he who
(1) knows about all the principal characters in history
(2) sees not with the eyes of others
(3) is acquainted with the streets of Constantinople
and Peking
(4) knows the most of what is farthest removed from
common life and actual observation.
1006. A learned man, as described in the passage,
(1) cares about men and things
(2) does not care about men and things
(3) cares about the shapes of objects.
(4) cares about his neighbours
1007. The passage suggests that a learned man
(1) understands his neighbours
(2) does not know his old acquaintances
(3) is not concerned about names and dates
(4) is interested in travelling
1008. The given passage implies that
(1) knowledge of the learned is exclusive to them
(2) a learned man cannot deliver lectures
(3) a learned man is not interested in Calmuc Tartars
(4) a learned man is not aware of the optics and the
rules of perspective
Question No. (1009–1013) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 07-09-2016 r`rh; ikyh)
Awareness means the capacity to see a coffee pot and
hear the birds sing in one’s own way, and not the way one
was taught. It may be assumed on good grounds that seeing
and hearing have a different quality for infants than for
grownups and that they are more aesthetic and less
intellectual in the first years of life. A little boy sees and
hears birds with delight. Then the ‘good father’ comes along
and feels he should ‘share’ the experience and help his son
‘develop’. He says, “That’s a jay and this is a sparrow.” The
moment the little boy is concerned with which is a jay and
which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear
them sing. He has to see and hear them the way his father
wants him to. Father has good reasons on his side: since
few people can afford to go through life listening to the
birds sing, sooner the little boy starts his ‘education’ the
better. Maybe he will be an ornithologist when he grows up.
1009. What does the writer mean by ‘awareness’?
(1) The capacity to see as one is taught.
(2) The capacity to see and hear things in one’s own
(3) The ability to see and feel things as they are in
the present.
(4) The ability to see and hear things as other people
1010. How do children perceive things around them?
(1) Aesthetically (2) Intellectually
(3) Emotionally (4) Morally
1011. What would the ‘good father’ do?
(1) He would teach his son the way of the world.
(2) He would share and feel his son’s experience.
(3) He would share his experiences and help his son
(4) He would tell his son to live his way.
1012. What does an Ornithologist study?
(1) Birds (2) Insects
(3) The different species of plants
(4) Fish
1013. The passage implies that when the boy starts his
‘education’ he will _____ .
(1) have a more aesthetic outlook
(2) be able to identify a jay and a sparrow
(3) see and hear the bird’s song with delight
(4) have a more intellectual outlook
Question No. (1014-1018) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 08-09-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
The antigen-antibody immunological reaction is used
to be regarded as typical of immunological responses.
Antibodies are proteins synthesized by specialized cells called
plasma cells, which are formed by lymphocytes (cells from
the lymph system) when an antigen, a substance foreign to
an organism’s body, comes in contact with lymphocytes.
Two important manifestations of antigen-antibody immunity
are lysis, the rapid physical rupture of antigenic cells and
the liberation of their contents into the surrounding medium,
and phagocytosis, a process in which antigenic particles
are engulfed by and very often digested by macrophages
and polymorphs. The process of lysis is executed by a
complex and unstable blood constituent known as
complement, which will not work unless it is activated by a
specific antibody; the process of phagocytosis is greatly
facilitated when the particles to be engulfed are coated by a
specific antibody directed against them.
1014. One of the two important manifestations of antigenantibody
immunity is lysis while the other is:
(1) lymphocytes (2) plasma
(3) antigenic cells (4) phagocytosis
1015. What are antibodies?
(1) Minerals in the cells (2) Proteins
(3) Synthesized proteins (4) Dead cells
1016. What happens when an antigen comes in contact
with lymphocytes?
(1) Antibodies are destroyed
(2) Plasma cells are formed
(3) Proteins are synthesized
(4) Old cells are restored
1017. Which of the following statement is true in the context
of the essay?
(1) Antigen-antibody is a psychological process
(2) Lysis is a process of forming plasma cells
(3) Complement is a blood constituent
(4) Antigen is part of the organism’s body
1018. Phagocytosis is a process in which antigenic particles
are _____ by and very often digested by macrophages
and polymorphs.
(1) attacked (2) attracted
(3) enveloped (4) engulfed
Question No. (1019–1023) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 08-09-2016 r`rh; ikyh)
In the world today we make health an end in itself. We
have forgotten that health really means to enable a person
to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine, and
this includes many patients as well as many physicians,
pay very little attention to health but very much attention to
those who imagine they are ill. Our great concern with health
is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health
articles in popular magazines and the popularity of television
programmes and all those books on medicine. We talk about
health all the time. Yet for the most part the only result is
more people with imaginary illness. A healthy man should
not be wasting time talking about health : he should be
using health for work.
1019. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
(1) promotion of good health
(2) people suffering from imaginary illness
(3) people suffering from real illness
(4) increased efficiency in work
1020. The passage suggests that
(1) health is an end in itself
(2) health is a blessing
(3) health is only a means to an end
(4) we should not talk about health
1021. Talking about health all the time makes people
(1) always suffer from imaginary illness
(2) sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
(3) rarely suffer from imaginary illness
(4) often suffer from imaginary illness
1022. The passage tells us
(1) how medicine should be manufactured
(2) what a healthy man should or should not do
(3) what television programmes should be about
(4) how best to imagine illness
1023. A healthy man should be concerned with
(1) his work which good health makes possible
(2) looking after his health
(3) his health which makes work possible
(4) talking about health
Question No. (1024–1028) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 09-09-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
We set out for the gallows. Two warders marched on
either side of the prisoner, with their rifles at the slope. two
others marched close against him, gripping him by his arm
and shoulder, as though, at once pushing and supporting
him. The rest of us, magistrates and the like, followed
behind. Suddenly, when we had gone ten yards, the
procession stopped short without any order or warning. A
dreadful thing had happened a dog, come goodness knows
whence, had appeared in the yard.
It came bounding among us with a loud volley of barks,
and leapt round us wagging its whole body, wild with glee
at finding so many human beings together. It was a large
woolly dog, half Airedale, half Pariah. For a moment, it
pranced round us, and then, before anyone could stop it, it
had made a dash for the prisoner, and jumping up tried to
lick his face. Everyone stood aghast, too taken aback even
to grab at the dog.
1024. What was the tone of the essay at the beginning?
(1) Celebrative (2) Emotionally charged
(3) Gloomy (4) Lighthearted
1025. How did the arrival of the dog change the atmosphere
of the event?
(1) It caused the people to scatter
(2) It allowed the prisoner to escape
(3) It saddened the prisoner even more
(4) It stunned everyone present there
1026. What was the emotion displayed by the dog?
(1) Fear (2) Joy
(3) Anger (4) Alarm
1027. What was surprising about the actions of the dog?
(1) It ran up and down the path
(2) It bit the guards
(3) It barked at the magistrates
(4) It licked the prisoner’s face
1028. How did the author respond to the appearance of
the dog?
(1) He jumped at the dog and collared it
(2) He ignored the dog and pretended it was not there
(3) He was taken aback as the others
(4) He yelled at the dog to silence its barking
Question No. (1029–1033) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 09-09-2016 r`rh; ikyh)
Man’s attitude to various animals changed many times
in the course of centuries. From indifference or practicality,
he went on to adoration and deification, and then to hatred.
Ancient Egyptians, for example, highly appreciated the cat’s
ability to destroy rodents. The cat was much superior in
this respect to the grass-snakes and weasels they had kept
in their houses before. These proved unable to cope with
hordes of rats which invaded Egypt from Asia. So the cat, a
very useful animal, was ranked as a sacred animal and one
of the most important animals, too. The goddess of the
Moon, fertility and childbirth, Bast herself was portrayed
by the Egyptians as a woman with a cat’s head.
Sumptuous temples were built to this goddess, where
cats were kept in luxury and fed the choicest of foods.
They had their own priests and votaries, more numerous
as a matter of fact than any other sacred animal could boast.
According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the festival in
the city of Bubastis, which had a temple dedicated to cats,
was attended by as many as 700 thousand, who brought
their offerings to the goddess in the shape of figurines of
her made of gold, silver and bronze and adorned with
precious stones.
1029. Egyptians appreciated the cat’s ability to destroy ____.
(1) snakes (2) weasels
(3) houses (4) rodents
1030. Hordes of rats invaded Egypt. They came from ____.
(1) Europe (2) Asia
(3) Asia Minor (4) Africa
1031. The cat was considered to be a _____ .
(1) sacred animal (2) goddess
(3) symbol of peace (4) symbol of fertility
1032. What is the opposite of the word ‘votaries’ ?
(1) Enthusiast (2) Critic
(3) Adherent (4) Fanatic
1033. The word ‘deification’ in the passage means _____ .
(1) highly valuable (2) take pride
(3) act of treating as God (4) devotees
Question No. (1034–1038) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 10-09-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
Namita is from the state of Kerala. She has come to
Dubai to serve as a governess for the only child of the
Nairs. The Nairs are nice and gentle and Namita has no
cause to complain. One day she overhears something that
makes her jittery. Mr. Nair is not employed in an American
company as she has been told. The nature of his business
is illegal. She is shocked and wants to go back to her home
town to her own people.
Gopal is from a very poor family. His family owns a
very small piece of land that can hardly meet their food
requirement. One day, Gopal gets a nice offer to work in
the Emirates with a construction contractor. In order to
meet the expenses on travelling, the family decides to sell
their own land and send Gopal to the foreign country, to
make money. On arrival, the contractor confiscates Gopal’s
passport and gives him a small place to live in with ten
others like him. Gopal has little idea what he must do.
1034. Which word from the ones given below, best
describes Namita’s relationship with her employers
in the beginning?
(1) Cordial (2) Friendly
(3) Sympathetic (4) Complaining
1035. What does the phrase, ‘makes her jittery’ imply?
(1) Sadness (2) Anger
(3) Trauma (4) Anxiety
1036. Namita and Gopal are in a similar situation, because
(1) love their families
(2) are happy with their situations
(3) are from impoverished families
(4) are stranded in a foreign country
1037. Namita’s situation is better than that of Gopal, because
(1) has a well behaved employer
(2) knows what she wants to do
(3) loves the new place and the child
(4) now knows about her employer
1038. The conclusion that can be drawn from both
situations is that people should
(1) stay in their own countries and villages
(2) feel contented and satisfied with their lot
(3) verify details before accepting any job
(4) not travel to these regions of the world
Question No. (1039–1043) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 10-09-2016 r`rh; ikyh)
Modern civilisation is completely dependent on energy,
which has therefore to be abundant and also economical.
About 85% of the world’s energy is supplied by oil, coal and
natural gas while nuclear, hydro, wind and solar power and
biomass supply the rest. Coal, nuclear and hydro are used
primarily to generate electricity while natural gas is widely
used for heating. Biomass is used both for heating and
cooking. The wind and solar power is the future’s hope as
they are sustainable energy sources. Oil powers almost all
machines that move and that makes oil uniquely versatile.
Oil powered airplanes carry 500 people across the widest
oceans at nearly the speed of sound. Oil powered machines
produce and transport food. Oil powered machines are
ubiquitous. Clearly, we live in the age of oil but it is drawing
to a close. According to data available if oil production
remains constant until it’s gone, there is enough to last 42
years. Oil wells will produce less as they become depleted,
which will make it impossible to keep production constant.
Similarly natural gas and coal will last another 61 years and
133 years respectively. Naturally, as they become scarce,
they become expensive, leading to a worldwide energy crisis.
If we are to survive on this planet, we have to make a
transition to sustainable energy sources. The transition may
be willy-nilly or planned the choice is ours.
The dawning era of limited and expensive energy will
be very difficult for everyone on earth but will be even
more difficult if it is not anticipated. It is of utmost
importance that the public and policymakers understand
the global energy crisis and act in tandem to ensure that
the species ‘homo sapiens’ does not become extinct.
1039. The theme of the passage is
(1) Changing Lives (2) Looming Energy Crisis
(3) Energy Resources (4) Power in Today’s world
1040. Biomass is an energy source used in
(1) agriculture (2) industry
(3) homes (4) offices
1041. The synonym for Ubiquitous is
(1) Omnipotent (2) Omnifarious
(3) Omniscient (4) Omnipresent
1042. The energy sources of the future are
(1) nuclear and hydro power
(2) coal and natural gas
(3) wind and solar power
(4) oil and biomass
1043. The survival of mankind will depend on
(1) maximum use of available energy resources
(2) transition to sustainable energy resources
(3) regulation placed on energy consumers
(4) keeping the level of energy production constant
Question No. (1044–1048) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 11-09-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
Reporters and city officials gathered at a Chicago railroad
station one afternoon in 1953. The person they were meeting
was the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner. A few minutes
after the train came to a stop, a giant of a man six feet four
inches with bushy hair and a large moustache stepped out
from the train. Cameras flashed. City officials approached
him with hands outstretched. Various people began telling
him how honoured they were to meet him.
The man politely thanked them and then, looking over
their heads, asked if he could be excused for a moment.
He quickly walked through the crowd until he reached the
side of an elderly black woman who was struggling with
two large suitcases. He picked up the bags with a smile,
escorted the woman to a bus. After helping her aboard, he
wished her a safe journey. As he returned to the greeting
party he apologized, “Sorry to have kept you waiting.” Not
many whites would have done what he did.
The man was Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the famous
missionary doctor who had spent his life helping the poor
in Africa. In response to Dr. Schweitzer’s action, one member
of the reception committee said with great admiration to
the reporter standing next to him, “That’s the first time I
ever saw a sermon walking.”
1044. Dr. Albert Schweitzer was the winner of the _____ .
(1) Nobel Prize in 1952 for Medicine
(2) Nobel Prize in 1952 for Peace
(3) Nobel Prize in 1952 for Chemistry
(4) Nobel Prize in 1953 for Peace
1045. Dr. Albert delighted _____ .
(1) in being helped by others
(2) in not being honoured
(3) in being honoured
(4) in helping others
1046. Dr. Albert Schweitzer _____ .
(1) was not prejudiced against Whites
(2) was not prejudiced against Blacks
(3) was prejudiced against Whites
(4) was prejudiced against Blacks
1047. Dr. Albert was _____ person.
(1) a generous and friendly
(2) a proud
(3) a timid
(4) a kind and helpful
1048. Dr. Albert preferred to let his actions _____ .
(1) speak louder than his words
(2) be admired
(3) be advertised
(4) be written about
Question No. (1049-1053) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 11-09-2016 r`rh; ikyh)
To know language is to be able to speak it. even a
child who does not yet attend school can speak his or her
language. In order to speak a language it is important to
listen to it and to read a few pages in it everyday. A child
picks up language and learns to talk just as (s) he learns to
walk. Walking and talking comes naturally to a child as it
grows. In our country, a child may grow up speaking more
than one language, if these languages are spoken in the
home and in the neighbourhood. We call this multilingualism.
A child speaks a language or languages much before (s)he
starts going to school. To know a language then is first of
all to be able to speak it as easily and naturally as a tree
year old child does. Later on the child will learn to read and
write in that language. In order to read and write in a
language, one has to speak it. But it is possible to speak a
language but not able to read or write in it. A baby does not
speak until it is nine months old but it understands a few
words at six months of age. It has been listening ever since
it was born, and even a little before that. So the first strategy
in speaking a language is to listen.
1049. One of the activities of a child before it is even born
is ______ .
(1) seeing (2) listening
(3) understanding (4) talking
1050. It is necessary for one to __________ the language
before (s)he writes in that language.
(1) sing (2) spell
(3) speak (4) None of the above
1051. Multi-lingualism means
(1) speaking more than one language
(2) speaking only one language
(3) speaking any language
(4) speech
1052. A child has been __________ ever since it was born.
(1) speaking (2) reading
(3) walking (4) listening
1053. To know a language one must be able to
(1) Speak it as easily and naturally as a three year
old child.
(2) Read it well all the time.
(3) Write it quickly
(4) Sing in the language
Question No. (1054-1058) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 27-10-2016 izFke ikyh)
Most of the African countries live in sub-human
conditions because of extreme poverty, upheaval, hunger,
disease, unemployment, lack of education and both
inexperienced and corrupt administrations. The devastating
consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries could
improve if the infected population were to receive free drugs
to control the disease, have access to health professionals
and get information on how to prevent its spread. But this
can only be achieved through international help programs
in which leaders of the world’s richest countries donate
medicine and also send doctors and nurses to treat and
educate those in need. Moreover, most of the poor countries
rely on selling agricultural products and raw materials to
rich nations and buying industrialized products from them,
resulting in a huge financial deficit. Consequently, they
borrow a significant amount of money from the World Bank
to try and improve their broken economies, but sometimes
the money disappears with no significant changes and they
cannot even pay the interest to the bank. Regarding this
issue, last year the G8, which is comprised of leaders of
the eight richest nations, decided to forgive billions of dollars
worth of debt owed by the world’s poorest nations. In addition,
they developed adequate loan programs to financially assist
those countries.
1054. According to the author, one of the ways of helping
the infected people in Africa to fight AIDS is by :
(1) providing free clothes
(2) providing free food
(3) providing free drugs
(4) providing free contraceptives
1055. As the author describes the condition in Africa, her
tone is :
(1) sad (2) angry
(3) bitter (4) hopeful
1056. In the context of this essay, the phrase ‘sub-human’
(1) people of a smaller race
(2) people living below accepted standard of living
(3) people living below the rule of a headman
(4) people segregated into groups according to
their possession
1057. What was the most significant step taken by the G8
towards assisting the poor countries in dealing with
their need ?
(1) Sending doctors and nurses
(2) Setting up an international programme
(3) Forgiving debts owed by them
(4) Building relief camps
1058. What has led to the poor countries accumulating more
(1) Their buying of industrialized products
(2) Their lack of education
(3) The devastating consequences of the AIDS
(4) Their lack of knowledge in the use of money
Question No. (1059-1063) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 27-10-2016 f}rh; ikyh)
Newspapers sell because of news and editorial
coverage but it gets more revenue from advertisements.
News costs money, while advertisements fetch money. The
economics of modern newspapers is such that it cannot
run by just selling news. It has to depend on advertisements.
The economics of newspaper publishing requires both
subscribers who can afford to buy newspapers and
businessmen who can afford to advertise in it. The growth
of the Press depends on both. Therefore, in newspaper
management neither aspect can be neglected.
Co-ordination among the various departments-editorial,
circulation, advertising and production is very essential for
effective and better management. The heads of various
departments must be part of the management of a
newspaper. They must be aware of the goals set, policies
and future plans of the management. They cannot afford to
remain cut off from the mainstream of management function.
In addition, each department should keep the other
department managers informed of those of its activities that
will be useful to them. This is a vital aspect of newspaper
1059. The growth of a newspaper depends on :
(1) the editorial and news coverage
(2) large scale subscribers
(3) advertisers
(4) subscribers and advertisers
1060. The main idea conveyed in the first paragraph of the
passage is :
(1) the growth of press
(2) news and editorial coverage
(3) the economics of newspaper publishing
(4) the importance of advertisements
1061. The main idea conveyed in the second paragraph of
the passage is :
(1) the role of the heads of departments of a
(2) the future of newspapers
(3) how to sell newspapers
(4) effective sales
1062. The word ‘goal’ in the passage means :
(1) Conclusion (2) Aim
(3) Result (4) Benefit
1063. Which of the following statements is false
(1) Selling news is not important
(2) Editorial coverage matters for sales
(3) Advertisements are needed for a paper to survive
(4) All departments have to be in touch with other
Question No. (1064-1093) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 12-01-2017)
When I think of my family’s history on the land. I
experience a pang of regret. Unlike much of the arid West,
where the land has gone virtually unchanged for centuries,
my place of origin, western Kansas, has been torn up by
agriculture. The flat plains, excellent soil, and sparse but
just adequate rainfall permitted farming; therefore farming
prevailed, and a good 90% of the original sod prairie is
gone. The consequence, in human terms, is that our
relationship to our place has always felt primarily mercantile.
We used the land and denied, or held at bay, its effect on
us. Yet from my earliest childhood, when the most of the
Kansas prairie was still intact, I’ve known that the land also
had a romantic quality. I’ve felt moved by the expanse of it,
enthralled by size. I take pride in my identity as a plains
1064. Which of the following is the most accurate statement
of the author’s position?
(1) The presence of the people has enriched the plain’s
(2) Farming has improved the soil of the plains.
(3) Farming has chemically polluted the plains.
(4) Farming has eroded the natural beauty of the
1065. The argument in the paragraph is based primarily
on :
(1) facts of history and statistical studies.
(2) facts derived from the author’s personal observations.
(3) feelings the author has picked up from personal
(4) feeling passed down to the authors by ancestors.
1066. From the passage, it may be determined that the
word “mercantile” has something to do with
(1) practicality (2) danger
(3) America (4) spirituality
1067. What does the author feel proud about?
(1) being an American
(2) being a native of Kansas.
(3) being able to see the romantic quality of the land.
(4) the ability to unite well.
1068. What factor changed the entire landscape of Kansas?
(1) wind (2) heat
(3) agriculture (4) flooding
Most economists in the United States seem captivated
by the spell of the free market. Consequently, nothing seems
good or normal that does not accord with the requirements
of the free market. A price that is determined by the seller
or, for that matter (for that matter: so far as that is
concerned), established by anyone other than the aggregate
of consumers seems pernicious. Accordingly, it requires a
major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination
of prices by the seller) as both “normal” and having a
valuable economic function. In fact, price-fixing is normal
in all industrialised societies because the industrial system
itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own
development, the price-fixing that it requires. Modern
industrial planning requires and rewards great size. Hence,
a comparatively small number of large firms will be competing
for the same group of consumers. That each large firm will
act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling
its products for more than its competitors charge is
commonly recognised by advocates of free-market economic
theories. But each large firm will also act with full
consideration of the needs that it has in common with the
other large firms competing for the same customers.
1069. What does not seem as not good or normal in the
context of this essay?
(1) the new interest in free market
(2) being captivated by spell of the free market
(3) that which does not accord with the requirement
of the free market
(4) the economists who are captivated by the free
1070. Who, according to the economists, are the right group
of people to set the price of a commodity?
(1) the aggregate of consumers
(2) the buyers
(3) the sellers
(4) the economists
1071. Price-fixing is a phenomenon that is normal in
(1) agricultural societies
(2) industrialised societies
(3) pre-industrial societies
(4) globalised societies
1072. A major act of will will bring about price-fixing that
will be seen as
(1) effective and productive
(2) constructive and practical
(3) normal and having valuable economic function
(4) systematic and relevant
1073. Selling a commodity at a price that is not more than
that charged by competitors is
(1) rejected by the free market system
(2) opposed by the advocates of the free market
(3) considered suspicious by the free market theorists
(4) recognised by the advocates of the free market
But the war did not cease; though friend and foe alike
were almost drowned in blood. It seemed as powerful as
eternity, and in time Tony Vassall too went to battle and
was killed. The country gave Patience a widow’s pension,
as well a touching inducement to marry again; she died of
grief. Many people died in those days, it was not strange at
all. Nathan and his wife got so rich that after the war they
died of overeating, and their daughter Olive came into a
vast fortune and a Trustee.
1074. The writer says war is
(1) bloodless (2) partial
(3) destructive (4) unimportant
1075. In the passage, it is stated that “friend and foe alike
were almost drowned in blood.” What does it convey?
(1) friends and enemies forgot their differences.
(2) both suffered similarly.
(3) both started liking each other.
(4) war made people hate each other.
1076. From this passage we learn that Tony Vassal was
(1) Patience’s husband (2) a soldier’s son
(3) Nathan’s relative (4) very successful
1077. “………… as well a touching inducement to marry.”
Here inducement means
(1) agreement (2) invocation
(3) reminder (4) encouragement
1078. Olive, after her parents’ death became
(1) rich (2) honest
(3) brave (4) fat
All art is, in an important sense, an escape. There is
a sense in which the capacity to escape from his present
experience, to use his accumulated consciousness of the
past to project a vision of the future, is man’s greatest and
distinguishing ability. We must not forget the force of
Aristotle’s argument that poetry is valuable precisely because
it shows men not simply as they are, but as they ought to
be or (in terms more sympathetic to us today) as they are
capable of becoming.
1079. According to the author, all art is
(1) a reflection of life. (2) art
(3) an escape (4) an important sense.
1080. The author believes that man’s greatest and distinguishing
ability is
(1) his ability to project the future
(2) his capacity to escape from his present experience
(3) his consciousness of the past
(4) None of the above.
1081. Aristotle argues that poetry is
(1) valuable (2) an escape
(3) an art (4) All of the above
1082. Accordingly to the author _______ enables him to
project a vision of the future
(1) man’s present experience
(2) man’s accumulated consciousness of the past
(3) man’s sympathetic nature
(4) None of the above.
1083. Aristotle’s argument supports the view that poetry
(1) men not simply as they are
(2) what men ought to be
(3) what men are capable of becoming
(4) All of the above.
To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind
are prone, no superhuman brain is required. A few
simple rules will keep you free, not from all errors, but
from silly errors. If the matter is one that can be settled by
observation, make the observation yourself. Aristotle could
have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer
teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle
to keep her mouth open while he counted. Thinking that
you know when in fact you do not is a bad mistake, to
which we are all prone. I believe myself that hedgehogs eat
black beetles, because I have been told that they do; but if
I were writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs, I should
not commit myself until I had seen one enjoying this diet.
Aristotle, however, was less cautious. Ancient and medieval
writers knew all about unicorns and salamanders; not
one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements
about them because he had never seen one of them.
1084. The author portrays mankind as
(1) superhuman (2) by and large ignorant
(3) intelligent (4) ancient
1085. According to the author, unicorns and salamanders
(1) have existed in the past
(2) are invisible
(3) caused writers to write strange stories.
(4) never really existed
1086. The author implies that
(1) he has never seen hedgehogs eating beetles
(2) hedgehogs eat only black beetles
(3) they do not eat black beetles
(4) he is writing a book on hedgehogs.
1087. The author is in favour of drawing conclusions on
the basis of
(1) discussion (2) consultation
(3) observation (4) reasoning
1088. The attitude of the author is
(1) cultural (2) scientific
(3) cynical (4) philosophical
In short, to write a good letter you must approach the
job in the lightest and most casual way. You must be personal,
not abstract. You must not say, ‘This is too small a
thing to put down’. You must say, ‘This is just the sort of
small thing we talk about at home. If I tell them this they
will see me, as it were they’ll hear my voice, they’ll know
what I’m talking about’. That is the purpose of a letter.
Carlyle had the trick to perfection. He is writing from
Scotsbrig to his brother Alec in Canada and he begins talking
about his mother. Good old Mother, he says, ‘she is
even now sitting at my back, trying at another table to write
you a small word with her own hand; the first time she has
tried such a thing for a year past. It is Saturday night, after
dark; we are in the east room in a hard, dry evening with a
bright fire to our two selves; Jenny and her Barns are ‘scouring
up things’ in the other end of the house; and below
stairs the winter operations of the farm go on, in a subdued
tone; you can conceive the scene! How simple it is and yet
how perfect. Can not you see Alec reading it in his far-off
home and his eyes moistening at the picture of his old mother
sitting and writing her last message to him on earth?
1089. ‘Abstract’ in the passage means
(1) a summary (2) not paying attention
(3) concrete
(4) not having a physical reality
1090. The recipient of your letter should ________.
(1) use a lot of imagination.
(2) know what you are talking about
(3) get distracted when reading your letter
(4) find it difficult to understand your letter
1091. Carlyle’s mother was ________.
(1) a regular letter writer
(2) not confident at letter writing
(3) always eager to write letters to Alec
(4) old and enjoyed writing letters
1092. ‘Scouring up things’ means ________.
(1) cleaning pans with a small ball of wire or plastic
(2) to search a place thoroughly in order to find something
(3) to put something in liquid for a time so that it
becomes completely wet
(4) writing something quickly and carelessly
1093. Subdued tone means _______.
(1) not very loud
(2) unusually quiet and possibly unhappy
(3) not very busy (4) not very bright
Question No. (1094-1098) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 30-04-2017 izFke ikyh)
Radium is a while powder that looks like table-salt. A
pound of it is worth a thousand pounds of gold. Radium is
very costly because it is so scarce. A mere pinch of it is
worth a small fortune. There are only a few spoonfuls in all
the world. But radium is so powerful that too much of it
would be dangerous. If a pound or two could be gathered
at one spot it would kill people who came near. Through
radium, scientists hope to learn how to change one element
into another. It would be interesting and profitable to change
other metals into gold. But it would be worth more to man
to learn how to get all the power from the atoms to do man’s
1094. Radium is considered dangerous because
(1) it would help us to turn other metals into gold.
(2) it would kill millions due to its radioactivity.
(3) it is so scarce.
(4) it would tell us how to get power from radium.
1095. The antonym of ‘scarce’ is
(1) insufficient (2) abundant
(3) wealth (4) rare
1096. What is the main subject of discussion in the
(1) Silver (2) Radium
(3) Salt (4) Gold
1097. The world ‘fortune’ here means
(1) wealth (2) freedom
(3) power (4) inheritance
1098. Why is radium very costly ?
(1) It is powerful and dangerous.
(2) It is found in small quantities.
(3) It helps man do his work.
(4) It is very useful.
Directions (1099–1103) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 14-05-2017 izFke ikyh)
At times there was something inhuman about Mr. Rogers,
the Headmaster. His formidable chin fitted out in the
most formidable way, and he seemed to be always frowning
at the world in general. At the assembly he was like an
inspecting officer in the army; he surveyed the gathered
innocents with his crinkled eyes, and then began his list of
morning rebukes. Any hapless offender, for the most venial
offence, would be commanded to appear before his presence
in front of the gathered ranks, and would then be
subjected to a tirade of abuse that would leave him trembling
or even in tears. Mr. Rogers was ruthless and cruel in
public. “A dehydrated old sadist” was how Mr. Jones, the
chemistry master described him.
The extraordinary thing was that in private he could be
magnanimous and gentle. Any boy who was really in trouble
would receive a sympathetic hearing, and went out feeling
that the burden had been lightened.
1099. The staff considered Mr. Rogers to be ______.
(1) a person to be idolized
(2) a gentle and understanding person
(3) a person without any scruples
(4) an intimidating person
1100. Another word for magnanimous is
(1) generous (2) magnificient
(3) high handed (4) arrogant
1101. What best describes Mr. Rogers at the school
assembly ?
(1) a genial person (2) a sensitive army officer
(3) ruthless and cruel (4) a formidable teacher
1102. in a most intimidating way means.
(1) in a very helpless way
(2) in an extremely frightening manner
(3) in a very fowl way
(4) in an extremely intimate manner
1103. What happened to boys who visited him in private ?
(1) They came out trembling and in tears.
(2) They looked even more worried than before.
(3) They seemed relieved of their troubles.
(4) They echoed the sentiments of the staff members.

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