Most Important Asked Previous year Antonyms (1-25) Series
Important Antonyms For Railway, SSC, IB, BPSC, HTET, CTET, HSSC, UP PCS, AIRFORCE , NDA , CDS and other Competitive Exams
- Affable(मिलनसार)-Nasty, Repulsive
- Affluence(समृद्धि)- Paucity, Poverty
- Ambulatory(औषधालय)- Bed Bound, Bedridden
- Amicable(मैत्रीपूर्ण)- Distasteful, Contrary
- Amble(टहलना)- Prompt, Hurry
- Affected(लग जाना)- Genuine, Usual
- Adulation(मनुहार)- Mocking, Scorn
- Ambiguous(अस्पष्ट)- Apparent, Lucid
- Advocate(वकील)- Contest, Resist
- Ameliorate(सुधारना)- Degenerate, Worse
- Anathematize(शाप देना)- Exalt, Sanctify
- Alacrity(तत्परता)- Indolence, Sloth
- Amorphous(अनाकार)- Distinct, Definite
- Amplify(बढ़ाना)- Lessen, Reduce
- Analogous(अनुरूप)- Unlike, Diverse
- Alleviate(कम)- Magnify, Worsen
- Allure(फुसलाना)- Defer, Repel
- Aloof(अलग)- Pleasant, Sociable
- Amalgamate(मिलाना)- Split, Divide
- Amoral(नीतिहीन)- Just, Moral
- Arcadian(देहाती)- Civil, Decent
- Anaemic(रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित)- Potent, Forceful
- Antipathy(घृणा)- Benevolence, Favour
- Antithesis(विलोम)- Likeness, Similarity
- Arraign(कलंक लगाना)- Exonerate, Discharge
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Yes I can need for antonyms all parts notes
Very good