Most Important Asked Previous year Antonyms (126-150) Series

126. Evasive(कपटपूर्ण)- Express, Direct

127. Equanimity(समभाव)- Protest, Agitation

128. Equilibrium(संतुलन)- Disparity, Inequity

129. Equitable(न्यायसंगत)- Unjust, Unfair

130. Equivocal(गोलमोल)- Lucid, Patent

131. Encumber(उलझाना)- Assist, Brew

132. Enervate(कमज़ोर)- Sinewy, Dynamic

133. Ensue(पीछा करना)- Predate, Forgo

134. Exasperate(चिढ़ाना)- Clam, Mollify

135. Excoriate(रगड़ डालना)- Laud, Praise

136. Execrable(घिनौना)- Admirable, Laudable

137. Elucidate(स्पष्ट करना)- Confuse, Vague

138. Eloquent(सुवक्ता)- Dissonant, Unvocal

139. Exigent(जल्द)- Usual, Non Urgent

140. Extraneous(बाहरी)- Related, Pragmatic

141. Exorbitant(अत्यधिक)- Certain, Succinct

142. Ethereal(हवाई)- Material, Physical

143. Enigmatical(पेचीदा)- plain, Palpable

144. Enmesh(जाल में फंसना)- Unravel, Unbraid

145. Ensue(पीछा करना)- Chuck, Forego

146. Entice(फुसलाना)- Loathing, Aversion

147. Ebullient(उबलनेवाला)- Disinterested, Apathetic

148. Exacerbate(ख़राब करना)- Soothe, Delight

149. Eerie(भयानक)- Prosaic, Quotidian

150. Ensconce(प्रतिष्ठित करना)- Unveil, Display



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