Directions : In these questions, a
part of the sentence is given in bold.
Below are given alternatives to the bold
part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve
the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.
In case No Improvement is
needed your answer is (4).
901. He confidently asked the crowd
if they thought he was right and
the crowd shouted that they
(1) that he did
(2) that they had
(3) that he is
(4) No Improvement
902. The District Collector gave up
the prizes to the winners at the
end of the function.
(1) give up
(2) gave away
(3) gave back
(4) No Improvement
903. However, great you may be, you
cannot trifle on a man’s feelings.
(1) trifle along
(2) trifle upon
(3) trifle with
(4) No Improvement
904. The alarming report of the building
collapse had everyone spellbound.
(1) alarmed report
(2) reporting alarm
(3) reported alarm
(4) No Improvement
905. One day you will repent on what
you have done.
(1) into
(2) for
(3) about
(4) No Improvement
906. The man who has committed
such a serious crime must get
the mostly severe punishment.
(1) got the mostly severely
(2) get the most severe
(3) have got the most severely
(4) No Improvement
907. I have been telling her that she
better consulted a good doctor.
(1) consulting
(2) consult
(3) been consulting
(4) No Improvement
908. One of my drawbacks is that I
did not have tolerance of ambiguity.
(1) did not had
(2) do not have
(3) am not
(4) No Improvement
909. Before I could stop him, the boy
was throwing the box down the
(1) were throwing
(2) threw
(3) did throw
(4) No Improvement
910. The tea estate is in such a mess
there is no one to set things
(1) in a mess there
(2) in a such mess that there
(3) in such a mess that there
(4) No Improvement
911. I am sure that he has recovered
from his illness and he will accompany
us to the picnic spot.
(1) and he will company
(2) and that he will accompany
(3) but he will accompany
(4) No Improvement
912. Because of his ill health, the
doctor has advised him not to
refrain from smoking.
(1) not to refrained
(2) to resort to
(3) to refrain
(4) No Improvement
913. The moment the manager came
to know of the fraudulent action
of his assistant, he “order immediately
dismissed him.”
(1) order immediate dismissed
(2) ordered his immediate dismissal
(3) immediately order dismissal
of his
(4) No Improvement
914. They feel very proudly that
their team had won the match.
(1) feels very proud
(2) felt very pride
(3) felt very proud
(4) No Improvement
915. She was more beautiful than
either of her three sisters.
(1) either of her three sister
(2) any of her three sisters
(3) all of her three sisters
(4) No Improvement
916. Call in this evening, if you can,
I have something important to
(1) called in
(2) call off
(3) call for
(4) No Improvement
917. I was shocked to learn that no
one was knowing where the files
were kept.
(1) was known
(2) knew
(3) had been known
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (918–921) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 28-08-2016
izFke ikyh)
918. I must say to a feeling of uneasiness.
(1) confess
(2) connive
(3) utter
(4) No Improvement
919. The police booked a case against
the taxi driver for wrong parking.
(1) restricted
(2) wrote
(3) filed
(4) No Improvement
920. One of our students originates
from Leh.
(1) comes
(2) origins
(3) belongs
(4) No Improvement
921. Scarcely had he left the place
when his friend came.
(1) He had scarcely leave
(2) He had left scarcely
(3) He scarcely had left
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (922-924) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 29-08-2016
izFke ikyh)
922. This survey is concerning your
health as well as that of your
(1) concerns with
(2) concerned with
(3) concerns to
(4) No Improvement
923. A city that is set on a hill cannot
be hidden.
(1) be hid
(2) hide
(3) be hiding
(4) No Improvement
924. A black and white goat were
(1) The white and the black goat
(2) A black and a white goat
(3) black and white goat
(4) No Improvement
925. They were all astonished at the
team’s dramatic success in the
(1) were astonished at all
(2) had all astonished by
(3) had been all astonished on
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 30-08-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
Question No. (926-929) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 31-08-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
926. Government officials keep
throwing the buck to others.
(1) giving
(2) passing
(3) donating
(4) No Improvement
927. She angrily broke up the letter.
(1) tore up
(2) break in
(3) teared up
(4) No Improvement
928. One should exercise their right
to vote
(1) his
(2) our
(3) one’s
(4) No Improvement
929. She sank back with a mourn of
(1) morn
(2) mourne
(3) moan
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (930-933) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 01-09-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
930. There was little he could do to
save his battered reputation
(1) salvage
(2) wreck
(3) destroy
(4) No Improvement
931. It is much too important to be
made a joke of
(1) too much important
(2) too many important
(3) very much important
(4) No Improvement
932. If he wants farther help, send
him to me
(1) further
(2) much
(3) best
(4) No Improvement
933. He jumped on the lake
(1) in the
(2) into the
(3) onto the
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (934-938) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 02-09-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
934. He started at the bottom rung
of the ladder and then gained
(1) bottom rung of the stair
(2) lower rung of the ladder
(3) lower rung of the stair
(4) No Improvement
935. The judge gave the verdict
against the Government.
(1) pronounced
(2) declared
(3) sentenced
(4) No Improvement
936. The fire service personnel put
off the fire with much difficulty.
(1) put on
(2) put out
(3) put away
(4) No Improvement
937. He has the irritating habit of
playing his own trumpet all the
(1) blowing his own trumpet
(2) pumping his own trumpet
(3) bringing up his own trumpet
(4) No Improvement
938. His illness means he must resign
his chairmanship impromptu.
(1) fast
(2) forthwith
(3) earliest
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (939–942) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 03-09-2016
f}rh; ikyh)
939. The priest told the devotees that
the wages of sin are death.
(1) was (2) is
(3) were
(4) No Improvement
940. Careful drivers never take eyes
of the road.
(1) by (2) from
(3) off
(4) No Improvement
941. For all his wealth, he has no joy
in life.
(1) With (2) Beside
(3) Despite of
(4) No Improvement
942. The meeting was advanced until
the following Monday.
(1) adjourned
(2) suspended
(3) forwarded
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (943–945) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 03-09-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
943. The old woman invited the children
to become a part in the
celebration in her house
(1) to be apart
(2) to take part
(3) to take apart
(4) No Improvement
944. Wealth is no doubts necessary
for happiness in life.
(1) was no doubt necessary
(2) is no doubt necessary
(3) is no doubting necessary
(4) No Improvement
945. Mumbai is larger than many other
towns in India.
(1) large
(2) largest
(3) big
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (946–948) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 04-09-2016
f}rh; ikyh)
946. Salman and the other actors
drove through the forest.
(1) in (2) over
(3) among
(4) No Improvement
947. My friend has a toothache and
cannot eat something.
(1) anything
(2) things
(3) edibles
(4) No Improvement
948. Africa is in the South of Europe.
(1) by the
(2) to the
(3) over the
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (949–952) :
(SSC CGL Tier-I (CBE) ijh{kk 04-09-2016
r`rh; ikyh)
949. He enjoys to go on tours with
his children.
(1) to go for tours
(2) going for tours
(3) going on tours
(4) No Improvement
950. Sita was cooking in the kitchen
when her husband was ringing
the bell.
(1) would have been ringing
(2) had rung
(3) rang
(4) No Improvement
951. The thief escaped (from burning)
as the noble King pardoned him.
(1) of being burnt
(2) from being burnt
(3) from having being burnt
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 15-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
952. If I (have had) money, I would
have bought this car.
(1) had
(2) did have
(3) had had
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 15-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
953. This palace (has been belonging)
to our family since generations.
(1) has belonging
(2) has belonged
(3) belonged
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 15-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
954. Einstein was one (of the wisest
men) that ever lived.
(1) of the wisest man
(2) wise man
(3) wisest man
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 16-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
955. Venezuelans (were being) deprived
of food and medicines for
the past year.
(1) were (2) are
(3) have been
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 16-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
956. The teacher said, “It is time that
your daughter (has learned) how
to write.”
(1) learned
(2) had learnt
(3) learnt
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 16-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
957. (Take off) your shoes before you
enter the temple.
(1) Put away
(2) Extract
(3) Put off
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 16-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
958. If you are living in the crowded
part of the city then you should
be ready to (bear) the noise.
(1) bear off
(2) bear away
(3) bear with
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 17-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
959. If you come across new words,
you should look (them) up in the
(1) for them
(2) at them
(3) them down
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 17-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
Question No. (960-961) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 18-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
960. It is wishful thinking that you
can improve the situation by doing
(with) such people.
(1) away of
(2) away with
(3) from
(4) No Improvement
961. Don’t step near the cliff’s edge,
else your life (might be thrown
into) great peril.
(1) will be in
(2) will face
(3) would be placed in
(4) No Improvement
962. In 2001, hundreds of people
were killed (from) the earthquake
in Gujarat.
(1) in
(2) because of
(3) since
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 19-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
963. Vikram (insist that) he was innocent.
(1 insisted on that
(2) insisted that
(3) insisted on
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 19-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
964. The (needs) of the hour was to
reform the entire banking system.
(1) need
(2) needing
(3) needings
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 20-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
965. One minute they’re all sweet
(but) caring and the next minute
they stab you in the back.
(1) if (2) and
(3) only (4) nor
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 20-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
966. Grandfather always (f inds
faults) with the poor gardener.
(1) find fault
(2) find faults
(3) is finding faults
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 20-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
967. (It is no good to cry) over past
(1) It is of no good crying
(2) It is of no good to cry
(3) It is no good crying
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 22-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
968. I went to sleep last night, (almost
as soon as) my head hit
the pillow.
(1) no sooner then
(2) as quickly as
(3) almost as quickly as
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 22-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
969. When the prodigal son returned
home, his father welcomed him
(with open hands).
(1) with open hearts
(2) with open mind
(3) with open arms
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 23-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
770. You can play video games and
paint or (draw) from anywhere.
(1) be drawing
(2) can draw
(3) could draw
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 23-01-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
971. There is no more (accommodation)
for you in this bus.
(1) room (2) seat
(3) space
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 24-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
972. By the end of this decade, doctors
surely (must have discover)
a cure for cancer.
(1) would have discovered
(2) could discover
(3) have discovered
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 24-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
973. My mother opened the parcel
without (worrying) to read the
address on it.
(1) doubting
(2) bothering
(3) fearing
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 30-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
974. She could not cope (by) the
heavy workload.
(1) with
(2) of
(3) up
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 30-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
975. The Kadampuzha Devi is (worth
seeing temple) in Kerala.
(1) one of the worth seeing temples
(2) a temple worth seeing
(3) a temple of worth being seen
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 31-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
976. They were angry because they
realised that they (have had been
(1) had been cheated
(2) were cheated
(3) are cheated
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 31-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
977. Your son (will) have looked
smart in a kurta.
(1) shall
(2) can
(3) would
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 01-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
978. Viren plays hockey and football
(1) both
(2) also
(3) even
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 01-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
979. Would it be impolite (to be
asked) why they are leaving?
(1) to ask (2) for asking
(3) for being asked
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 02-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
980. The workers are bent (on) getting
a full month’s pay as bonus.
(1) for (2) upon
(3) to
(4) No Improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 02-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
Question No. (981–985) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 14-05-2017 izFke ikyh)
981. Every person was not fitted for
(1) was not fit at
(2) No Improvement
(3) is not fit at
(4) is not fit for
982. How long I shall stay is doubtful.
(1) I can stay
(2) I will stay
(3) I want to stay
(4) No Improvement
983. Even at the peak of her success,
Kalpana Chawla did not forget
her home or her duty towards
other human, this is evident
from the fact that she distributed
education of girls in India.
(1) she contributed girls for education
(2) she contributed to the education
of girls.
(3) she contribute to education
of girls
(4) No Improvement
984. The doctor scribbled his prescription
which I could notmake
(1) No Improvement
(2) make up
(3) make for
(4) make over
985. Neither parties deserves our
(1) parties deserve
(2) parties deserved
(3) No Improvement
(4) party deserves
Question No. (986–990) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 14-05-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
986. Coding is nothing but putting
up information in a given format.
(1) filling up
(2) putting in
(3) No Improvement
(4) organising
987. As soon as I called her, she
came out of her house.
(1) is coming out
(2) has come out
(3) come out
(4) No Improvement
988. There are schools in either
sides of the road.
(1) schools on either side
(2) school on either side
(3) school on either sides
(4) No Improvement
989. We acted your instructions.
(1) acted upon your
(2) acted your very
(3) acted over your
(4) No Improvement
990. Many years have passed since
India became free.
(1) had became free
(2) No Improvement
(3) become free
(4) has became free
Question No. (991–995) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI vkWuykbu
ijh{kk 01-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
991. Neha was too clever to (see
through Rohan’s tricks).
(1) see at Rohan’s tricks.
(2) see into Rohan’s tricks.
(3) see Rohan’s tricks.
(4) No Improvement
992. He has been working (off and
on) for several years on this
(1) regularly
(2) on or off
(3) on and off
(4) No Improvement
993. I am definitely late, the bus (will
have left) the bus stop by the
time I reach there.
(1) would have left
(2) will be leaving
(3) will leave
(4) No Improvement
994. (Having had) in the USA
Embassy for a long time, Mr.
Gupta has met many prominent
(1) He has been
(2) Having been
(3) Had he been
(4) No Improvement
995. The guest stood quietly for (few)
(1) a few moments
(2) the few moments
(3) few time
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (996–1000) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 02-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
996. Before I met Sakshi, I (had had)
a bad opinion of her.
(1) have had (2) had
(3) did have
(4) No Improvement
997. The girl (told her teacher) to explain
the passage.
(1) said to her teacher
(2) asked her teacher
(3) called her teacher
(4) No Improvement
998. It will take four hours to walk
(across) the caves.
(1) over
(2) through
(3) between
(4) No Improvement
999. When I lived in Kanpur I (was
going) for movie once a week.
(1) used to go (2) had gone
(3) went
(4) No Improvement
1000. Abhishek was going to the
church (then Neha came on to)
meet him.
(1) when Neha was coming to
(2) before Neha was coming to
(3) when Neha came to
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (1001–1005) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI vkWuykbu
ijh{kk 03-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
1001. Hardly had I finished cooking
dinner (before) Rajesh arrived.
(1) when (2) then
(3) while
(4) No Improvement
1002. I met the two boys, (whom I believe
are) twins.
(1) who I believe to be
(2) who I believe are
(3) who to my belief, are
(4) No Improvement
1003. Let’s buy a new phone with the
annual bonus, (can we)?
(1) shall we
(2) can’t we
(3) don’t we
(4) No Improvement
1004. I have not written any letter to
her since my brother (had died).
(1) was died (2) died
(3) has died
(4) No Improvement
1005. Reyansh (gave) most of his time
to music.
(1) devoted (2) spent
(3) lent
(4) No Improvement
Question No. (1006–1010) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI vkWuykbu
ijh{kk 04-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
1006. Since 2009, there (is) no cyclone
(1) are (2) has been
(3) were been
(4) No Improvement
1007. Nisha probably (would have
caught) up the bus by now.
(1) must have caught
(2) will catch
(3) shall have caught
(4) No Improvement
1008. Right knowledge is a (strong) instrument
for moulding the character
of the young.
(1) powerful (2) potent
(3) striking
(4) No Improvement
1009. Mr. Clarke (had staying) here
since 2005 and has made India
his home.
(1) was to stay
(2) is staying
(3) has been staying
(4) No Improvement
1010. My sister said that it sometimes
took her one hour to (put) her
(1) put up
(2) put on
(3) put over
(4) No Improvement

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