Directions : In these questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (4). (Ignore errors of Punctuation, if any.)

801. Little knowledge of playing volleyball
(1)/ that she possessed
proved to be (2)/helpful at the
time of inaugural match. (3)/ No
Error (4)

802. I had not completed my English
homework (1)/ so I thought I was
done with when the (2)/ teacher
asked me to hand it in. (3)/ No
Error (4)

Question No. (803–804) :
परीक्षा 11.08.2017 द्वितीय पाली द्धितीय

803. Ritika decided to get up early (1)/
to wear a nice dress (2)/ and visit
her aunt. (3)/ No Error (4)

804. The student asked me if (1)/I
knew that Kalidas was the greater
(2)/than any other poet. (3)/
No Error (4)

Question No. (805–806) :
परीक्षा 12.08.2017 तृतीय पाली द्धितीय
805. I was taken with surprise (1)/
when I saw (2)/ the beautiful Taj
Mahal. (3)/ No Error (4)

806. I finished my household chores (1)/
before he reached (2)/ to my place
after so long. (3)/ No Error (4)

Question No. (807–808) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)

807. Inspite of the doctor’s stern warning
(1)/ Latika continued taking
(2)/ sugars in her milk. (3)/ No
Error (4)
808. Myself and Roshni (1)/ will take
care of (2)/ the event on Sunday.
(3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (809–810) :
ijh{kk 11-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
809. Are not your father (1)/ and your
elder brother (2)/ out of town?
(3)/ No Error (4)
810. Our office building comprises (1)/
seven floors and a restaurant at
the top in an (2)/ area of about
eight hundred sq. metres. (3)/ No
Error (4)
Question No. (811–812) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 21-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
811. I took the shortest (1)/ way through
the (2)/ little park close the palace.
(3)/ No Error (4)
812. As it came to a stop (1)/ the conductor
called (2)/ over in a loud
voice. (3)/No Error (4)
Question No. (813–814) :
ijh{kk 22-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
813. Freedom fighters laboured (1)/ to
the good of (2)/the poor enslaved
masses.(3)/No Error (4)
814. Father was upset (1)/when he
found that (2)/you are not
there.(3)/No Error (4)
Question No. (815–824) :
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 11.09.2017 f}rh; ikyh)
815. What a comfort to see that you
(1)/ have organizing and planning
(2)/ everything for us. (3)/ No
Error (4)
816. Please note that you will be eligible
for (1)/ the voucher only if
you (2)/ had received this email.
(3)/ No Error (4)
817. We take security very seriously
and (1)/ we want to keep you in
the loop on (2)/ important actions
in our account. (3)/ No Error (4)
818. If you would still accepting posts,
please (1)/ let me know so that I
can put together (2)/ a draft for
your approval. (3)/ No Error (4)
819. I can give you the unique and (1)/
quality content that will definitely
(2)/ lead value to your readers
too. (3)/ No Error (4)
820. I have went through the writeups
guideline (1)/ too but still
want to clear on mail (2)/ communication
for topic confirmation.
(3)/ No Error (4)
821. It’s time to get up on (1)/ your
next piece so that you (2)/ can
be a part of these. (3)/ No Error
822. If you are a runner and bigger
than 18 years, (1)/ you can test
your endurance level (2)/ by running
for the Half Marathon. (3)/
No Error (4)
823. We know it is an extra early start
to (1)/ your day, but we are certain
(2)/ you too would like to contribute
towards this. (3)/ No Error
824. After the ‘Pooja’ in the temple (1)/
got over, people start (2)/ coming
out to get their slippers. (3)/
No Error (4)
Question No. (825–828) :
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 12.09.2017 izFke ikyh)
825. The number of guests (1)/ invited
to the party (2)/ are five hundred.
(3) No error (4)
826. Unless Geeta apologises (1)/ she
should not be (2)/ allowed to go
to picnic. (3)/ No error (4)
827. I met the gentleman (1) / today
evening on my (2) / way back
home. (3) / No error (4)
828. The company is using (1)/ influence
to persuade people (2)/ to
buy its water purifiers. (3)/ No
error (4)
Question No. (829–834) :
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 13.09.2017 izFke ikyh)
829. My sister-in-law (1)/ who lives
in Chennai (2)/ have come to stay
with us. (3)/ No error (4)
830. When she left the (1)/ house at
10 o’clock her (2)/ daughter was
still at home. (3)/ No error (4).
Question No. (831–832) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 16.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
831. Our specialist school is (1)/ home
to children with (2)/ different intellectual
abilities. (3)/ No Error (4)
832. You can control them (1)/ by setting
a maximum limit (2)/ for each
one bill. (3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (833–834) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 17.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
833. She is unfortunate enough to (1)/
lose few friends she made (2)/
during her stay in Chennai. (3)/
No Error (4)
834. It was by a mistake (1)/ that Ankit
caught (2)/ Archana’s hand.
(3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (835–836) :
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 18.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
835. Everyone attended the (1)/ seminar
except (2)/ Raman and I. (3)/
No Error (4)
836. One (1)/ may help (2)/ oneself.
(3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (837–840) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 01-07-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
837. Madhuri and I have done my (1)/
work patiently and diligently (2)/
just for our safe and secure
future. (3)/No Error (4)
838. Sunita is feeling little uncomfortable
today (1)/because she is ill,
so she can perform (2)/ her work
after having some rest for a
while. (3)/No Error (4)
839. We must (1)/denounce justice
(2)/and oppression. (3)/No
Error (4)
840. In the Mathematics class, I sit
next to (1)/Raj, who is the captain
of the basket ball (2)/team and
undoubtedly the best basket ball
player in Delhi. (3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (841–843) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 02-07-2017 Paper-I f}rh; ikyh)
841. The English is a very (1)/ popular
language (2)/ amongst south
Indians. (3)/ No Error (4)
842. This container is full with water
(1)/ so I can’t carry it for a (2)/
long distance at one go. (3)/ No
Error (4)
843. Had she not known (1)/ about it
she should (2)/ have stayed longer.
(3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (844–845) :
ijh{kk 09-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
844. The Tata group owns (1)/ many
industries, that are spread (2)/
across the globe. (3)/ No Error (4)
845. She has not been (1)/ to the
restaurant (2)/ much late. (3)/ No
Error (4)
Question No. (846–847) :
ijh{kk 19-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
846. He was such a (1)/ wonderful
person (2)/ into so many ways.
(3)/ No Error (4)
847. The magician placed the ball (1)/
underneath of his hat and (2)/
made a mystic sign above it. (3)/
No Error (4)
Question No. (848–849) :
ijh{kk 20-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
848. At this moment that (1)/ terrible
door burst noisily open and (2)/
banged for the wall. (3)/No Error
849. While an electron (1)/ carries a
negative electrical (2)/ charge, a
neutron is neutral. (3)/No Error (4)
Question No. (850–869) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 17-02-2018)
850. Many firms fail because when
they begin (1)/ exporting, they
have not research the (2)/ target
markets or have not planned
enough. (3)/ No error (4)
851. Part of what a man learns will
measurable (1)/ as specific
knowledge and skills, while (2)/
another part involves changes.
(3)/ No error (4)
852. He explained that the pillars of
tribalism (1)/ that humans rely
on for security would always (2)/
counter any significant culture or
social change. (3)/ No error (4)
853. There is a barrier among the egghead
and (1)/ the hoipolloi and
it would be lazy (2)/ idealism to
ignore it. (3)/ No error (4)
854. Credit when used responsibly,
can achieve a great number (1)/
of positive things in our lives,
such as (2)/ financing and paying
of our dream hybrid or college
tuition fees. (3)/ No error (4)
855. As with people, some monkeys
are lazy, (1)/ like those who
sleep all day in the zoo, (2)/ and
some were industrious. (3)/ No
error (4)
856. The postman travelled by the cycle,
often wading through (1)/
swamps or passed through jungles
(2)/in order to reach the villages
(3)/ No error (4)
857. No matter what Ashoka did in
his earlier (1)/ years, in the ending
he proved to be uncommonly
(2)/ virtuous and wise. (3)/
No error (4)
858. Modern medicines has scored
significant victories (1)/ against
both infection and trauma (2)/
the major causes of ill health and
death. (3)/ No error (4)
859. If life existed on Mars, it is most
likely to be in (1)/ the form of
bacteria buried deep in (2)/ the
planet’s permafrost or lichens.
(3)/ No error (4)
860. Can India make it to a leadership
position (1)/ or will it be
retained the ‘fast train-goingslow’
(2)/ image it always had?
(3)/ No error (4)
861. The priest class took upon itself
the monopoly (1)/ of scriptural
knowledge and interpretation
(2)/ of the same to its own
advantage. (3)/ No error (4)
862. He said that he thought off politics
right when (1)/ he was
studying Intermediate and that
(2)/ he had no fear of politics.
(3)/ No error. (4)
863. While provisions on equality and
non-discrimination (1)/ would
promote equal opportunity, (2)/
in the process, reservation at
jobs should not be denied. (3)/
No error. (4)
864. Government has reportedly
made its displeasure known,
(1)/ particularly on the speed
and stealth with which (2)/ the
negotiations are completed. (3)/
No error. (4)
865. This will explains the decision
taken (1)/ to impose a blockade
on the country in (2)/ the midst
of a crisis. (3)/ No error. (4)
866. He built the theatre as a tribute
to his rootings (1)/ and the
thought of it outlasting him, (2)/
would surely have given him the
greatest joy. (3)/ No error. (4)
867. As several studies shows over
(1)/ the years, the annual data
is useful in (2)/ reviewing
trends of extreme events. (3)/
No error. (4)
868. The most effective measure to
keep (1)/ our roads safe is enforcement
of rules (2)/ with zero
tolerance to any violate rule. (3)/
No error. (4)
869. Service providers cannot stand
in the way of a (1)/ consumer’s
access to content, it should have
being provided (2)/ without any
hindrance. (3)/ No error. (4)
Question No. (870–889) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 20-02-2018)
870. He used to sits day and night
(1)/ under a tree in front of a
temple (2)/ that is how he earned
the name. (3)/ No error (4)
871. There are many inner voices
that speak (1)/ to us inside your
head, and believe that (2)/ they
should not be trusted. (3)/ No
error (4)
872. With God’s blessings and hard
work, (1)/ I cleared many hurdles
in life and did (2)/ reasonable
with both professional and
personally. (3)/ No error (4)
873. If you have creative streak
which you have never (1)/ pursued
or interested in a new field,
(2)/ gather your energy and
move towards it. (3)/ No error (4)
874. The only thing that endures and
can sustain (1)/ an infant till the
stage it receives immunity (2)/
comes from the consumption of
mothers milk. (3)/ No error (4)
875. The internal and external environment
we (1)/ experience in
our thoughts, feelings and the
(2)/ world around us also has
an affect. (3)/ No error (4)
876. Rasayana’s are the blends of tonic
herbs, metals, fruits, (1)/
gums and have specific methods
of production (2)/ which
included the time of gathering.
(3)/ No error (4)
877. In relationships, too, she seems
too have subsisted (1)/ on nothing
but the emptiness of her (2)/
heart to the master of her life.
(3)/ No error (4)
878. Our thought have a direct impact
on our body (1)/ and hence
they crucially affect our (2)/
emotional and physical well-being
too. (3)/ No error (4)
879. When you drink the sweet coconut
water, (1)/ it is a metaphor
for experience joy within,
(2)/ free of ego and other hassles.
(3)/ No error (4)
880. Much believe that if you are
modern you (1)/ should not be
religious, and vice versa, (2)/
can’t spirituality and modernity
coexist? (3)/ No error (4)
881. Why is it that they can develop
only a (1)/ certain aspect of
there life and not realize (2)/
their full potential? (3)/ No error
882. If the sun and moon were balanced,
which means (1)/ if heat
and cold are in equilibrium, the
(2)/ person is healthy. (3)/ No
error (4)
883. Earth can be considered a cage
or prison (1)/ because our
choices are limited to (2)/ our
available awareness and restricted.
(3)/ No error (4)
884. If a guru is a kind of hired teacher
(1)/ none of his roles hits the
mark (2)/ of what is intended.
(3)/ No error (4)
885. The growth in India is amazing,
(1)/the growth from 140 million
connections (2)/in 2005 to 181
million connections now is very
impressed. (3)/No error (4)
886. The Delhi Police organize a mega
(1)/function at the Thayagaraj
Stadium (2)/to promote ‘self defence
training’ for women and
girls. (3)/No error (4)
887. All they need to do is feed their
contact (1)/details, feed the
IMEI number to receiving (2)/
an OTP on their mobile. (3)/ No
error (4)
888. So, the next time you are eating
sushi, (1)/you exactly know
what to do with (2)/that extra
wasabi that have come along.
(3)/No error (4)
889. This is the first car for our
neighbourhood Mr Sharma who
(1)/ has a hard time balancing
his wife (2)/ and kids on his old
scooter. (3)/ No error (4)
Question No. (890–891) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 04-03-2018)
890. Due to the (1)/ snow the (2)/
marks was unrecognisable. (3)/
No error (4)
891. Acceptance is not about allowing
everything to occur or to go
on, (1)/ it is neither related to
passivity and weakness, (2)/ nor
is it about confirmation or mediocrity.
(3)/ No error (4)
Question No. (892–893) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-03-2018] izFke ikyh)
892. She picked (1)/ on the (2)/ trail
soon after. (3)/ No error (4)
893. Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
should provide us (1)/ with open
networks and should not block
or discriminate for (2)/ any application
or content that rides
over those networks. (3)/ No error
Question No. (894–898) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] isij&I (f}rh; ikyh) 02.07.2017)
894. He commanded me (1)/ as if he
was (2)/ my husband. (3)/ No
Error (4)
895. The English is a very (1)/ popular
language (2)/ amongst south
Indians. (3)/ No Error (4)
896. This container is full with water
(1)/ so I can’t carry it for a (2)/
long distance at one go. (3)/ No
Error (4)
897. If you will finish your homework
I (1)/ will give you (2)/ an icecream.
(3)/ No Error (4)
898. Had she not known (1)/ about it
she should (2)/ have stayed longer.
(3)/ No Error (4)
Question No. (899–903) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 03.07.2017)
899. Not only her husband (1)/ but
even her father (2)/ also find her
selfish. (3)/ No Error (4)
900. The West Indies team had (1)/
not won any match (2)/ last
year. (3)/ No Error (4)
901. If you inform me of Kanika’s (1)/
arrival time I shall go to (2)/ attend
her at the airport. (3)/ No
Error (4)
902. Hardly had he come out of the
(1)/ cinema hall then the bomb
exploded (2)/ and shattered the
hall completely. (3)/ No Error (4)
903. Because copper prices are going
down (1)/ demand for alternative
(2)/ products to copper
are lessening. (3)/ No Error (4)
939. The place were (P)/Buddha was
cremated (Q)/has recently been
discovered.(R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
940. King penguins (P)/ are active
throughout (Q)/ the long summer
days. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
941. The Kepler Space Telescope,
(P)/ launched on 2009, was designed
(Q)/to find planets around
other stars. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
942. A prince were (P)/ in search of
a Sufi master (Q)/ to help him
in his mystical journey. (R)/ No
error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
943. Earth’s deserts (P)/ is a land of
extremes,(Q) /constantly pushing
life to the limit. (R)/ No error
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
944. Wherever you live, (P)/ there is
surely some countryside or
coastline (Q)/not too far away
that you are proud of. (R)/ No
error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
945. If you describe someone as a
maverick, (P)/ you mean that he
is unconventional and independent
(Q)/ and do not think or
behave in the same way as other
people. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
946. Ancient jewellery or decoration
(P)/ has a new meaning (Q)/
with the discovery bone ornaments.
(R) / No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
947. Can you tell me (P)/ the name
of the person (Q)/ whom wrote
the book? (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
948. Men who has risen (P)/ by their
own exertions (Q)/ are always
respected. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
949. We have issued (P)/ a order
seeking immediate (Q)/ printing
of revised price tag. (R)/ No error
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
950. Suresh have never (P)/ encouraged
nor (Q)/condoned violence.
(R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
951. The consequence of (P)/ his carelessness
was (Q)/ that the game
was lost. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
952. Scientists intended (P)/ to reintroduce
and conserve grey
wolves (Q)/ in their original habitats.
(R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
953. Bharatanatyam will also (P)/ feature
in the two-week (Q)/ World
Music Festival. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
954. The behaviour of resident spiders
(P)/ towards pirate spiders
and their own prey (Q)/ are quite
different. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
955. The government need to adopt
(P)/ a multi-year expenditure
outlook (Q)/ while preparing the
budget. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
956. Tickle is (P)/one of the broadest
and deepest (Q)/ subject in
science. (R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
957. The scientists found that (P)/
leopards tend to hoist prey (Q)/
that are between half and oneand-
a-half times it’s own weight.
(R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
958. Throughout the history, (P)/humans
has existed side-by-side
(Q)/ with bacteria and viruses.
(R)/ No error (S)
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
the segment in the sentence
which contains the grammatical error.
1031. The staff of the dairy was firm
that there was no space inside
for more cattle as there was already
2500 stray animals inside.
(1) there was already
(2) for more cattle
(3) was firm
(4) there was no space
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1032. Yesterday, the farmers in Hathras
rounded up about 25 abandoning
cows and bulls and took
them to a dairy in a truck.
(1) rounded up
(2) about 25 abandoning cows
(3) the farmers
(4) took them to a dairy
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1033. His chances of winning both the
races seems slight to me.
(1) of winning
(2) His chances
(3) seems slight
(4) both the races
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1034. Our neighbour switch on his TV
early in the morning at full volume.
(1) his TV
(2) early in the morning
(3) switch on
(4) at full volume
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1035. You could find our house easily,
didn’t you?
(1) didn’t you (2) easily
(3) our house (4) You could find
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1036. They went for a Bhil village for
a day visit.
(1) a day visit.
(2) for
(3) for a Bhil village
(4) They went
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1037. He gave jobs to several unemployed
men in a remote village
who is battling poverty.
(1) He gave jobs
(2) in a remote village
(3) to several unemployed
(4) who is battling poverty.
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1038. We had quite interesting talk on
trekking at our college yesterday.
(1) quite interesting talk
(2) on trekking
(3) We had
(4) at our college
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1039. The bridge repaired yesterday
so the traffic was delayed.
(1) The bridge repaired
(2) was delayed
(3) yesterday
(4) so the traffic
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1040. We often went for boating when
we live in Nainital.
(1) for boating
(2) We often
(3) when we
(4) live in Nainital
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 07.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1041. A number of points of resemblance
between the Australian
and Dravidian languages is discovered,
despite the fact that the
homes of the two races are so
far apart.
(1) despite the fact
(2) points of resemblance
(3) so far apart
(4) is discovered
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1042. Ever since Mary won the election,
she has been behaving as
if she was a queen.
(1) since
(2) the election
(3) has been behaving
(4) was
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1043. Many a girl were influenced by
the inspirational lecture given by
the Nobel laureate.
(1) Nobel laureate
(2) were influenced
(3) inspirational lecture
(4) Many a girl
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1044. Baghdad remains a profoundly
damaged place, and for all its
newness, Dream City echo many
of the city’s continuing issues.
(1) continuing issues
(2) a profoundly damaged
(3) newness
(4) echo
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1045. Scientists have discovered a new
tree frog species, with an extraordinary,
enlarged claw-like
structure located at the base of
the thumb, that live on a remote
table top mountain in the Andes.
(1) located at
(2) have discovered
(3) with an extraordinary
(4) live on a remote table top
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1046. The teacher had hardly left the
room than the pupils started enjoying.
(1) than
(2) started enjoying.
(3) The teacher
(4) had hardly left
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1047. The Life-cycle hypothesis holds
that individuals seek to smooth
consumption over the course of
a lifetime – borrowing in times
of low-income and saving during
period of high income.
(1) in times
(2) period of
(3) over the course
(4) to smooth
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1048. Lupin is one of the least important
person in the opposition and
can never hope to become a minister.
(1) become
(2) in the opposition
(3) can never
(4) least important person
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1049. Dwarf galaxies have to hold
clues that could help us to understand
better the nature of
dark matter.
(1) dark matter
(2) to understand better
(3) have to hold
(4) could help us
SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM ‘C’ ,oa ‘D’ ijh{kk
frfFk % 08.02.2019 (f}Ùkh; ikyh)
1050- You are invite to build a better
community by planting a seed
of peace within and a tree outside.
(1) You are invite to
(2) build a better community
(3) by planting a seed of peace
(4) within and a tree outside
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
1051. In India, the various practices
and norms from bank’s transactions
are laid down by the RBI
(1) by the RBI only
(2) are laid down
(3) the various practices
(4) norms from bank’s transactions
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
1052- While we would like all Indian
children to go to school, we need
to ponder why they does not.
(1) we need to ponder
(2) While we would like
(3) Indian children to go to
(4) why they does not
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
1053. It makes us realise how unsuitable
our education system are
because it cannot help us deal
with life’s most basic issues.
(1) education system are
(2) it cannot help us
(3) life’s most basic issues
(4) It makes us realise
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1054. Computers everywhere use random
numbers as keys to locked
or unlock encrypted information.
(1) encrypted information
(2) Computers everywhere
(3) use random numbers as
(4) keys to locked or unlock
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1055. With the help of skill-based education
offer in colleges, many
students will become eligible for
various jobs.
(1) With the help of
(2) eligible for various jobs
(3) many students will become
(4) skill-based education offer in
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1056. Information suitable for communication,
interpretation or processing
by a computer are
called as Data.
(1) suitable for communication
(2) Information
(3) interpretation or processing
(4) are called as Data
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa vle
jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1057. Most major holidays has some
connection to the change of seasons
(1) Most major holidays
(2) to the change of
(3) has some connection
(4) seasons everywhere
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa vle
jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1058. Ajay says he understood French
but cannot speak it as fluently
as his parents and grandparents
(1) but cannot speak
(2) he understood French
(3) parents and grandparents do
(4) as fluently as
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa vle
jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1059. In this novel I came across some
words which meaning I do not
(1) came across
(2) which meaning
(3) In this novel
(4) do not know
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1060. To my point of view he should
not have behaved in such a manner.
(1) should not have
(2) behaved
(3) To my point of view
(4) in such a manner
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1061. The old man climbed seven
floors with hardly no effort at
(1) climbed
(2) at all
(3) The old man
(4) hardly no effort
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1062. I thanked him for his advices.
(1) him (2) I thanked
(3) advices (4) for his
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1063. Why she was angry with her
(1) she was (2) angry with
(3) her son (4) Why
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1064. Either Avika or Nikunj are going
to win the prize in the handwriting
(1) Either Avika
(2) or Nikunj
(3) in the (4) are going to
SSC fnYyh iqfyl] CAPFs SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1065. She is always finding fault with
the food I cook.
(1) I cook
(2) fault with
(3) the food
(4) is always finding
SSC fnYyh iqfyl] CAPFs SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1066. The village, with all its houses,
were flooded by the river.
(1) by the river
(2) were flooded
(3) its houses
(4) with all
SSC fnYyh iqfyl] CAPFs SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
1067. We had to decline several orders
in case that the production
was held up due to labour
(1) in case that
(2) the production was held up
(3) due to labour strike
(4) We had to decline
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
04.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
1068. Cyclone Idai killed at least 157
people in Zimbabwe and
Mozambique although it tore
across Southern Africa.
(1) Cyclone Idai killed
(2) it tore across
(3) although
(4) at least 157 people
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
04.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
1069. Cyclone ldia is regarded as one
of the worst tropical cyclone on
record to affect Africa and the
Southern Hemisphere as a
(1) Cyclone ldai is regarded
(2) the worst tropical cyclone
(3) as a whole
(4) to affect Africa
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
06.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
1070. Every employee of the company
were given a two bedroom flat
as Diwali bonus.
(1) as Diwali bonus
(2) a two bedroom flat
(3) Every employee
(4) were given

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