Challenges of Teaching Language in a Diverse Classroom

1. Aditi, a visually challenged child
in class IV, does not have any
text in Braille. How can a
teacher facilitate her in reading
the English textbook?
(1) She may arrange and give the
audio CD of the textbook to the
(2) Instead of focussing on this single
child, she may use her energy in
teaching the remaining class
(3) She may ask her parents to look
after their child
(4) She may ask the principal to
arrange a special teacher for her
2. Dyslexia is an intellectual
disability that negatively affects
the understanding abilities in
terms of
(1) oral language (2) sign language
(3) dialect (4) reading
3. If a child is hyperactive,
impulsive and lacks general
coordination, she/he is considered
as a child with a
(1) hearing problem
(2) visual problem
(3) physical problem
(4) learning disability
4. Which one of the following is not
a principle of helping pupils with
learning difficulties?
(1) Teaching preparation
(2) Use of teaching aids
(3) Design meaningful learning
(4) Teacher offering tuition at home
5. A child is very friendly and takes
active part in group work. But his
parents always complain to the
teacher about him not writing
properly and misplacing the
words, not getting good scores in
written exam. The teacher can
support the student by
(1) praising his social interaction
(2) explaining to the child’s parents
that he is suffering from dysgraphia
(3) request parents to be patient with
the child and say motivational
(4) All of the above
6. Which of the following is a value
associated with an inclusive
(1) Competition (2) Envy
(3) Sympathy (4) Collaboration
7. After reading a poem, a teacher
involves the learners in group
work. One group writes the
theme of the poem, another
draws a picture to depict the
main character and yet another
writes the summary of the poem.
This activity
(1) is aimed at learners to prepare for
(2) will distract the learners
(3) is a sheer waste of time
(4) caters to diverse abilities and
interests of the learners
8. According to NCF 2005 (3.1.3),
‘‘At the initial stage of language
learning ……….. may be one of
the languages for learning
activities that create the child’s
awareness of the world’’.
(1) English
(2) Vernacular language
(3) Second language
(4) Hindi
9. In a diverse classroom, learners
find it difficult to speak and write
good English and often lapse into
their mother-tongue because
(1) they do not have the ability to learn
(2) they are slow learners
(3) they are not motivated to learn
(4) they lack enough competence and
the structures of the two
languages are different
10. While teaching hearing impaired
students in an inclusive class, it
is necessary for teachers to
(1) make sure that they are including
signs and non-verbal signals to
strengthen any communication
(2) conduct a regular special class for
such students
(3) be in constant touch with the
parents of such students
(4) use cue cards to signal the
teaching content
11. According to NCF 2005, learning
of English aims
(1) to enable knowledge acquisition
through literacy and its
development into an instrument of
abstract thought
(2) to subsume the languages that a
child acquires naturally from her/his
home and societal environment
(3) to introduce standard sign
language in English for children
with language related impairments
(4) to provide adequate facilities at the
state level for instruction in English
at the primary stage of education
12. What is taught is not what is
learnt because
(1) a teacher or learner can never fully
master any discipline
(2) students pay attention during
informal discussion
(3) a teacher’s socio-economic level
may differ widely from the students
(4) students possess different abilities,
personalities and come from a
variety of backgrounds
13. A ‘special needs language
classroom’, is ideally
(1) a diverse classroom
(2) exclusively furnished
(3) located separately
(4) All of the above
14. Enriching the curriculum for
learners who are gifted and
(1) give them leadership roles in class
(2) increases complexity of curriculum
for them to experience a wider
variety of language and
opportunities for creativity
(3) promote them to a higher class so
that they are exposed to a more
difficult syllabus
(4) introduce a foreign language
15. Deficiency in the ability to write
associated with impaired
handwriting is a symptom of
(1) dyscalculia (2) dysgraphia
(3) dysphasia (4) aphasia
16. A creative English language
teacher can use multilingualism
as [CTET 2018]
(1) a classroom strategy to involve all
(2) a tool to make connections
between ideas, people and things
(3) best resource readily available
(4) All of the above
17. A child got admission to a new
school. The teacher was surprised
to see that she would speak four
languages fluently but could not
speak in English. She is a
[CTET Jul 2019]
(1) linguist (2) monolingual
(3) bilingual (4) multilingual
18. While checking the notebooks
the teacher observed that a child
has repeatedly made some errors
in writing such as reverse image
as b-d, m-w. The child is
showing the signs of
[CTET Jul 2019]
(1) learning preference
(2) learning style
(3) learning disability
(4) learning differences
19. The multilingual nature of the
Indian classroom must be used
as a resource so that
[CTET Jan 2021]
(1) every child feels secure and
(2) every child learns at the same
(3) children can learn many
(4) the teacher develops language
20. The teaching of English in India
is facing the main problem of
[CTET Dec 2021]
(1) excessive use of teaching aids
(2) use of traditional and old method
(3) lack of good learning material
(4) Both (2) and (3)
21. Hindrances in the teaching of
English is caused by the use of
mother tongue due to
[CTET Dec 2021]
(1) idiomatic interference
(2) pronunciation interference
(3) vocabulary interference
(4) All of the above
22. What is ‘inclusion’ in language
education? [CTET Dec 2022]
(1) It includes practical strategies
adapted by a teacher to suit
learner needs.
(2) It includes all aspects of
schooling, for instance,
infrastructure, financial resources,
constructing school communities
(3) It refers to incorporating new
technology-oriented methods in a
traditional classroom.
(4) It involves a transformed view of
language teaching incorporating a
social or interactive perspective.
23. Mother tongue based
multilingualism is ……….
[CTET Dec 2022]
(1) every learner begins her/his
schooling in his/her mother tongue
and move on to study in English
medium in school.
(2) all schools teacher teach through
the medium of the mother tongue
or home language.
(3) every learner begins his/her
schooling in his/her mother
tongue/home language and
moves on to add many more
languages in school.
(4) all school teach through the
medium of English to cater to the
demand of parents.
24. A learner-centered class
[CTET Jan 2022]
(1) helps teachers make decisions in
class and makes them self-reliant.
(2) considers learning to be a
responsibility of the teacher.
(3) supports a small number of
students, ignoring the majority in
the class.
(4) takes into consideration prior
knowledge and experiences of the
25. Which language is recommended
by National Curriculum
Framework (NCF 2005) for the
‘Instruction Medium’ at the
primary level? [CTET Jan 2022]
(1) Mother tongue
(2) Regional language
(3) Any language included in 8
(4) English
26. In a diverse multilingual class
you, as a language teacher, will
give more importance to
(1) create opportunities for the
learners to use language in
different contexts
(2) teach every lesson of the textbook
(3) teach rules of grammar to the
(4) will use language in abundance
27. Some parents of students with
learning difficulties may have
unrealistic expectations from
their children. The teacher can
support such students by
[CTET Jan 2022]
(1) persuading them to liaise with other
such students
(2) explaining to the parents about the
child’s characteristics and abilities
(3) providing instructions for dealing
with the students at home
(4) making a clear reference to the
learning objectives
28. Multilingualism as a strategy
means ……. [CTET Jan 2022]
(1) teaching of many languages in
(2) teaching-learning of mother
tongues of all learners.
(3) making use of the languages of
(4) enabling learners to learn foreign
29. As per the National Curriculum
Framework (NCF), 2005,
Multi-lingualism in learning a
language should be seen as a
[CTET Jan 2022]
(1) challenge for students to learn
many languages
(2) challenge for teachers to manage
such classes
(3) hindrance in teaching-learning
(4) resource in teaching-learning English
30. A class II teacher Ankita, uses
various tasks such as creating
charts, graph, drawing, gathering
information and presenting them
through pair or group work. This
type of instruction …………
[CTET Jan 2022]
(1) helps learners with multiple
intelligence’s to perform well and
learn better
(2) is a way of demonstrating her own
(3) only helps the bright learners
(4) is the best way to prepare students
for an assessment

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