Most Important Asked Previous year Antonyms  (26-50) Series 

Important Antonyms For Railway, SSC, IB, BPSC, HTET, CTET, HSSC, UP PCS,  AIRFORCE , NDA , CDS and other Competitive Exams

26. Animated(एनिमेटेड)- Limp, Inert

27. Animus(विरोधपूर्ण भावना)- Kindness, Mildness

28. Anomaly(विसंगति)- Constancy, Steadiness

29. Anonymous(गुमनाम)- Acknowledged, Signed

30. Antediluvian(पुराना)- Recent, Modern

31. Apogee(पराकाष्ठा)- Radix, Bottom

32. Aplomb(अभिमान)- Perturbation, Agitation

33. Antediluvian(पुराना)- Young, Modern

34. Baroque(बरोक)- Bare, Plain

35. Beatific(सुखी)- Sinful, Heinous

36. Belittle(कम हो जाना)- Extol, Praise

37. Anathema(अभिशाप)- Blessing, Benison

38. Accost(संभाषण करना)- Scorn, Avoid

39. Abrasive(अपघर्षक)- Pleasant, likeable

40. Abnegation(अस्वीकार)- Yielding, Indulgence

41. Bellicose(लड़ाकू)- Serene, Peaceful

42. Celerity(ज्लदी)- Tardiness, Slothfulness

43. Bizarre(विचित्र)- Common, Mundane

44. Bleak(बेरंग)- Joyful, Lively

45. Capacious(विशाल)- Petite, Small

46. Benign(सौम्य)- Cruel, Hateful

47. Berate(गाली देना)- Acclaim, Extol

48. Bestial(वहशी)- Caring, Charitable

49. Bigotry(कट्टरता)- Tolerance, Liberalism

50. Capricious(मनमौजी)- Banal, Boring



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1 thought on “Important Antonyms (26-50) Series 2”

  1. Bahut bahut dhyanwad sir hm jaise bachho ki madad krne k liye
    Sir grammar wale portion ki bhi series dal do please

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