Most Important Asked Previous year Synonyms Exercise (51-75) Series
51. Illustrious(शानदार) – Exalted, Glorious
52. Terrible(भयानक)- Awful, Dreadful
53. Noxious(हानिकारक)- Deadly, Baneful
54. Cozy(आरामदायक)- Agreeable, Convenient
55. Prolonged(लंबा)- Extended, Delayed
56. Desperate(बेकरार)- Rash, Daring
57. Complaisant(मेहरबान)- Gentle, Humble
58. Inquisitive(जिज्ञासु)- Curious, Intrusive
59. Conspiracy(षड़यन्त्र)- Intrigue, Circumvention
60. Complacent(आत्मसंतुष्ट)- Assured, Smug
61. Pervert(स्वमतत्यागी)- Misuse, Impair
62. Scuffle(हाथापाई)- Fight, Strife
63. Tyrant(तानाशाह)- Despot, Emperor
64. Flamboyant(चमकीला)- Boastful, Pompous
65. Fierce(भयंकर)- Turbulent, Fiery
66. Juxtapose(मिलाना)- Associate, Correlate
67. Combat(युद्ध)- Strive, Withstand
68. Despondency(निराशा)- Dejection, Melancholy
69. Serene(निर्मल)- Calm, Sedate
70. Congruent(अनुकूल)- Coherent, Suitable
71. Bellicose(लड़ाकू)- Militant, Disputant
72. Deify(देवता-सदृश पूजा करना)- Exalt, Idolize
73. Rebellious(बाग़ी)- Resistive, Disobedient
74. Reciprocate(विनिमय करना)- Alternate, Interchange
75. Treacherous(नमक हराम)- Disloyal, Unreliable
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