Language Skills

1. Language skills are best learnt
(1) only through written tests and
(2) if they are taught in an integrated
(3) with the help of challenging and
mechanical language drills
(4) when they are introduced in
isolation, one skill at a time
2. Why is story telling most
important in an English
language class at primary level?
(1) It is useful for developing
integrated language skills.
(2) It develops moral values among
the students.
(3) It improves students’ vocabulary.
(4) It creates fun in the class.
3. In order to drive home the point
that listening skills matter,
students should be
(1) exposed to popular English films
and reviewing them
(2) taken to the language lab once a
week for practice and feedback
(3) allowed to listen to CDs of poetry
read aloud by well-known
(4) reminded that listening skill
practices relate to real life
4. The ‘interactional routine’
during speaking assessment
includes a
(1) comparing two or more
objects/places/events for the
(2) negotiating meanings, taking turns
and allowing others to take turns
(3) describing one’s school and its
environs informally
(4) telephonic conversation with
5. Correct speech habits can be
developed most effectively
(1) pronunciation practice
(2) vocabulary practice
(3) quizzes
(4) dictations
6. What is the main purpose of
poetry recitation in a language
(1) To appreciate and enjoy the poem
(2) To give their opinions about the
(3) To become aware of the poet and
her work
(4) To know the historical background
of the poem
7. During the process of language
learning, students lack
confidence in their
pronunciation. How can one
overcome this?
(1) Providing scope for special
activities with the help of language
experts for removing speaking
(2) Correcting mistakes immediately
(3) Reading aloud in the classroom
(4) Organising play like tasks in which
children can talk to one another
8. Children’s oral language
development forms an important
foundation for learning literacy.
Which of the following classroom
practices enable oral language
(1) Memorising and reciting poems
individually or in a chorus
(2) Chorus reading of a story in the
textbook along with the teacher
(3) Practising the correct
pronunciation of words in a chorus
(4) Participating in role-plays on
favourite stories
9. If a student is making
pronunciation errors, the best
way to help him/her is to
(1) provide him/her with correct
pronunciation without any
(2) call his/her parents and complain
(3) scold him/her in class for incorrect
(4) mock at him/her in class for
incorrect pronunciation
10. In Class II, sharing stories,
familiar experiences, and
interests, employing gestures
where appropriate, is a sub-skill
of … function.
(1) reading
(2) listening
(3) speaking
(4) writing
11. One of the sub-skills that is
assessed for speaking would be
(1) understanding and responding in a
paragraph to literary works
(2) using appropriate volume, clarity
and gestures in individual or group
(3) spelling common, frequently used
words correctly
(4) listening actively and responding to
others in small and large group
12. The two skills required to take
notes effectively are
(1) writing fluently, using conjunctions
(2) using symbols and abbreviations
instead of words
(3) re-writing a text, using your own
(4) writing legibly with correct
13. Reading for comprehension can
be best achieved through
(1) teaching learners to run a finger or
pencil under the line being read
(2) asking the children to read the text
(3) helping learners speak words softly
while reading
(4) learners reading silently and asking
comprehension questions
14. While teaching children to read,
at which point should the teacher
focus on comprehension?
(1) When children reach Class II
(2) After children have learned how to
(3) Right from the beginning
(4) Once children have mastered
15. A text that requires students to
scan in order to understand and
analyse the writer’s message and
purpose could be
(1) an encyclopedic extract
(2) a newspaper headline
(3) a set of instructions to assemble a
(4) a poem
16. A primary teacher should
introduce reading through
(1) stories
(2) picture books
(3) alphabet books only
(4) phonic teaching
17. While reading, a learner needs to
(1) guess the contextual meaning
of new words to understand the
(2) translate the written symbols into
corresponding sounds to grasp
their meaning
(3) perceive and decode letters in
order to read words
(4) understand every word to grasp
the meaning of the text
18. Receptive language skills are
(1) being able to self-correct while
using language
(2) using grammatical structures
(3) writing in range of styles
(4) listening and reading for
19. Use of grammar, punctuation
and spelling pertains to
(1) text production while writing
(2) formal speech
(3) listening to a lecture
(4) informal conversation
20. When young learners are asked
to read a text silently, they
should be instructed
(1) to stop reading whenever they
encounter a difficult word or
(2) to infer the meaning of new words
from the context and read with
(3) to pay special attention to
grammar items used in the
(4) to read fast even if they don’t
comprehend the meaning
21. Reading between the lines as a
sub-skill of reading mainly
(1) understanding the stated facts
(2) giving sufficient space between
(3) inferring the unstated using the
contextual verbal clues
(4) identifying the grammatical items
22. Develop a resource box for Class
I. Teacher gives 3 instructions to
each student regarding which
items are to be put in it (e.g.
puppets, pieces of coloured
pencils, small toys etc.)
Students follow instruction. The
activity is
(1) listening with concentration for
specific information needed for a
(2) stage in a listening session when a
listener completes a task
(3) listening to natural conversation
between teacher and student
(4) listening to a speech which is
23. How can teachers respond to or
correct students writing in ways
that are effective?
(1) Correcting every error in the essay
(2) Writing detailed comments in the
(3) Offering encouraging and
summary remarks
(4) Locating patterns of error and
suggesting improvement
24. Among the four language skills,
which pair constitutes the
reinforcement skills?
(1) Reading and listening
(2) Speaking and listening
(3) Reading and speaking
(4) Speaking and writing
25. “Students need to brainstorm
ideas, organise, draft, edit and
revise their work,” is a ‘process’
which reflects [CTET Jan 2011]
(1) listening skills
(2) speaking skills
(3) reading skills
(4) writing skills
26. ‘While listening’ means a stage
(1) when students are listening for
(2) when students are listening to a
recording of a natural
(3) where the students attempt a
listening task
(4) when a listening activity is
27. ‘A listening stimulus’
[CTET Jul 2013]
(1) enables students to discuss a set
of criteria which they prioritise to
complete and present a task
(2) presents input to separate groups
of students who gather again to
share what they listened
(3) presents an information gap
activity such as giving directions
(4) is listening to a good commentary
to review it
28. Learners lack confidence to speak
in the target language in class
where the main language of
conversation is the local
vernacular. This challenge can be
met by [CTET Feb 2014]
(1) allowing students to speak about
whatever they can irrespective of
the grammatical errors, enhance
their vocabulary and gradually
make corrections
(2) allowing students to watch English
films as motivation, practice a drill
consisting of useful sentences and
vocabulary with regular correction
of grammatical errors
(3) insisting on students using only the
target language irrespective of the
grammatical errors, enhance their
vocabulary, with regular feedback
on their performance
(4) instructing them to speak slowly
and self correct grammatical errors,
enhance their vocabulary with a list
of useful words
29. Under which activity do
recognising sounds and deducing
meaning from them come?
[CTET Feb 2015]
(1) Speaking
(2) Listening
(3) Reading
(4) Writing
30. ‘Scribbling’ is a stage of
(1) speaking
(2) listening
(3) writing
(4) reading
31. A teacher of Class V is practising
‘interactive listening’ in the class.
He should focus on
[CTET Sep 2016]
(1) listening and observing speaker’s
(2) listening to word stress and
(3) listening to the pronunciation
(4) listening and responding
32. Which one of the following is
most important in developing
reading skill at primary level?
[CTET Feb 2016]
(1) Ability to read phrases correctly
(2) Ability to comprehend the text
already read
(3) Only knowing the correct order of
(4) Ability to read words correctly
Previous Years Questions ’
33. If a language teacher has taught
a topic in the class and no
student asks questions in her
class, then may be [CTET 2018]
(1) all the students are at a higher
level of learning
(2) students are not paying attention
(3) she had been an excellent teacher
(4) whatever was taught was beyond
the comprehension of the
34. Reading skill can be developed
best by [CTET 2018]
(1) doing quizzes and playing word
(2) writing answers to question on text
(3) focusing on the use of word from
context in the text
(4) doing vocabulary exercises
35. A student of Class V while
reading a chapter finds some
difficult and unfamiliar words
and is not able to get the
meaning of those words. He
should [CTET 2018]
(1) ask his classmate every time to
(2) ask the teacher
(3) ignore or skip the word and keep
(4) guess the meaning in content
36. Active vocabulary consists of
words which are [CTET Jul 2019]
(1) used occasionally
(2) difficult to pronounce
(3) used frequently
(4) phonological and lexical
37. Which of the following is true for
writing as a process?
[CTET Dec 2019]
(1) Writing is receptive
(2) Writing is recursive
(3) Writing is linear
(4) Writing is memorising and
38. Reading aloud to students helps
in [CTET Dec 2021]
(1) building the learners’ vocabulary
and enhancing pronunciation
(2) helps the teacher to demonstrate
her authority in class
(3) comprehend the details of the text
(4) helps the teacher to maintain
silence in class
39. Skimming is reading a text to
[CTET Dec 2021]
(1) get the general idea of the text
(2) create interest in reading
(3) find specific information
(4) understand the details of the text
40. Jeeva reads a text looking for
some specific information. What
is this reading known as?
[CTET Jan 2022]
(1) Scanning
(2) Skimming
(3) Rapid reading
(4) Intensive reading
41. While developing writing skills
among the students, a language
teacher should most importantly
focus on [CTET Jan 2022]
(1) good handwriting
(2) grammatical aspects
(3) word limits
(4) Expression of ideas
42. Extensive reading is aimed at
promoting ……. [CTET Jan 2022]
(1) reading for pleasure
(2) reading for test
(3) reading for information
(4) reading to know about the author
43. Alka, a student of Class III often
makes a mistake
between/sh/and/s/. As a language
teacher, your interpretation will
be [CTET Jan 2021]
(1) Alka’s pronunciation is not clear
hence you will give her more
(2) As a teacher you will ignore such
silly mistakes.
(3) Alka is a careless student.
(4) It’s due to influence of her dialect
or language.
44. A language teacher asks
students to make a butterfly
with paper by following her
instructions. This activity will
help the students to develop……….
(1) paper folding skill
(2) reading comprehension
(3) paper making skill
(4) listening comprehension
45. Consider the statements (1)
and (2) regarding paralinguistic
features of a language.
[CTET Jan 2021]
1. Volume is not just, what you
say; it is how you say.
2. Intonation means vibration of
voice or speech.
(1) (1) is true, but (2) is false.
(2) (1) is false, but (2) is true.
(3) Both (1) and (2) are true.
(4) Both (1) and (2) are false.
46. Read the following conversation.
A: I want all students with letter
A to stand here and all students
with letter B to stand there. Do
you understand?
Students: (Silence)
One Student: Yes (very quietly)
Students are reluctant to answer.
Which of the following reasons
does not fit? [CTET Jan 2021]
(1) Students lack confidence.
(2) Students did not understand the
(3) Students prefer not to talk.
(4) Students need more elaborate
instructions and support from the

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