Direction : In these questions, out
of the four alternatives choose the one
which can be substituted for the given

701. Lack of civic-mindedness or of
(1) iconomachy (2) incivism
(3) shag (4) clergy
702. Preferring or attracted to sunlight
(1) lithophilous (2) heliophilous
(3) topophilia (4) homophile
703. Mutual discourse
(1) soliloquy (2) obloquy
(3) colloquy (4) eloquence
Question No. (704–708) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 20-02-2018)
704. One who has the art of speaking
in such a way that the sound
seems to come from another person/
(1) absolutist (2) biblicist
(3) ventriloquist (4) clavierist
705. One who damages public property
(1) cynosure (2) demagogue
(3) epicure (4) vandal
706. A shady place under trees
(1) debonair (2) bower
(3) gourmand (4) fugitive
707. A person without home, job or
(1) narcissist (2) derelict
(3) iconoclast (4) impregnable
708. A warning of impending danger
(1) naive (2) monition
(3) obtuse (4) daft
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 04-03-2018)
Question No. (709–710) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-03-2018] izFke ikyh)
709. Beyond or above the range of normal
or physical human experience
(1) mundane (2) transcendent
(3) ribald (4) coarse
710. Capable of being imagined or
grasped mentally
(1) dazzling (2) conceivable
(3) stunning (4) spectacular
Question No. (711–715) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] isij&I (f}rh; ikyh) 02.07.2017)
711. Property inherited from one’s father
(1) vale (2) patrimony
(3) legacy (4) trench
712. Government by person of highest
social order
(1) bureaucracy
(2) plutocracy
(3) democracy
(4) aristocracy
713. Study of ancient things like tombs,
buried towns
(1) paleontology
(2) nomology
(3) archaeology
(4) genealogy
714. To banish or turn out of society
and fellowship
(1) acrobat (2) diatribe
(3) ostracise (4) jurist
715. Rebellious or opposing the authority
(1) insurgent (2) intransigent
(3) indigenous (4) innuendo
Question No. (716–720) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 03.07.2017)
716. A person who starves the body
for the good of the soul
(1) pacifist (2) paranoia
(3) ascetic (4) idiosyncrasy
717. To make evasive or misleading
(1) prevaricate (2) peroration
(3) sophist (4) ineffable
718. A very delicate flaw or mistake
which is not expected from the
person making it
(1) sanguine (2) sacrament
(3) solecism (4) sententious
719. The practice of taking exorbitant
or excessive interest on the money
(1) emissary (2) usury
(3) venal (4) macabre
720. Sea with a group of many islands
(1) archipelago
(2) scullery
(3) ablution
(4) etiology
Question No. (721–725) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI ijh{kk]
isij&I (f}rh; ikyh) 04.07.2017)
721. A state of mental weariness from
lack of occupation
(1) hermit (2) ennui
(3) heretic (4) indict
722. A dabbler in the art and literature
(1) rapacious (2) bohemian
(3) dilettante (4) emeritus
723. Being able to pay one’s debt
(1) dilettante (2) credible
(3) delible (4) solvent
724. One who is subject to failure or
to committing mistakes
(1) fallible (2) hyperbole
(3) hermit (4) incorrigible
725. A short stay in a place
(1) excursion (2) dotage
(3) sojourn (4) knell
Question No. (726–730) : In the
following questions, out of the four alternatives,
select the alternative which
is the best substitute of the phrase.
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 05.07.2017)
726. A short journey for pleasure
(1) holiday (2) stroll
(3) excursion (4) sniper
727. Receiving guests warmly
(1) hospitality (2) philanderer
(3) docility (4) obituary
728. Science of the constitution of the
whole universe
(1) ethnology (2) ornithology
(3) physiology (4) cosmography
729. Tale that brings bad reputation
to somebody
(1) pantheon (2) felony
(3) scandal (4) portico
730. A man who is recovering from illness
(1) dilettante
(2) emeritus
(3) convalescent
(4) bohemian
Question No. (731–740) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 06.07.2017)
731. A pioneer of a reform movement
(1) oubliette (2) apostle
(3) spinster (4) mendicant
732. Person who gives written testimony
for use in a law court
(1) reticence (2) masochist
(3) deponent (4) concubine
733. One who believes that everything
is pre-destined
(1) fatalist (2) astrologer
(3) hypocrite (4) prodigal
734. A verse letter
(1) parasol (2) ballad
(3) epistle (4) dirge
735. A group of arrows
(1) legion (2) wreath
(3) quiver (4) volley
Question No. (736–740) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (izFke ikyh) 07.07.2017)
736. Lifeless objects
(1) amateur (2) inanimate
(3) alien (4) amnesty
737. A court or open space usually
rectangular and enclosed by a
(1) quadragenarian
(2) quadrilateral
(3) quadrangle
(4) quadruped
738. Bringing about gentle and painless
death from incurable disease
(1) euthanasia (2) sty
(3) canicide (4) suicide
739. One who lives on fish
(1) carnivorous
(2) baccivorous
(3) aurivorous
(4) piscivorous
740. Line at which the earth or sea
and sky seem to meet
(1) nadir (2) zenith
(3) horizon (4) trivet
Question No. (741–745) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 07.07.2017)
741. The exterior or face of a building
(1) facade (2) drawn
(3) refract (4) panel
742. A person who lives alone and
avoids other people
(1) chaperon (2) recluse
(3) antisocial (4) matron
743. A mass held to pray for the peace
of the departed soul
(1) sinecure (2) elegy
(3) requiem (4) virement
744. Operating below the surface of
(1) subterranean
(2) pantomime
(3) perspicacious
(4) sobriquet
745. Incapable of being tired
(1) indefatigable
(2) inalienable
(3) indefensible
(4) imperceptible
Question No. (746–749) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
746. One who goes to settle in Foreign
(1) alien
(2) emigrant
(3) foreigner
(4) traitor
747. A book giving meaning of various
(1) encyclopedia
(2) textbook
(3) dictionary
(4) novel
Question No. (748–749) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
748. A list and explanation of difficult
(1) glossary (2) itinerary
(3) stationary (4) summary
749. A notice of death of a person
(1) contributory
(2) mandatory
(3) obituary
(4) explanatory
Question No. (750–751) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
750. Study of skin
(1) archaeology
(2) dermatology
(3) geology
(4) anthropology
751. One who can’t speak
(1) deaf (2) blind
(3) lame (4) dumb
Question No. (752–753) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
752.Wild imagination
(1) ecstasy (2) fantasy
(3) over easy (4) creasy
753. To free somebody from blame or
(1) accredit (2) ambit
(3) audit (4) acquit
Question No. (754–755) : In the
following questions, out of the four given
alternatives, select the alternative
which is the best substitute of the
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
754. Do away with
(1) replenish (2) refurbish
(3) abolish (4) relinquish
755. Song sung at burial
(1) hymn (2) dirge
(3) lyric (4) ode
Question No. (756–765) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] isij&II 15.12.2017)
756. Being afraid of water or being
near water
(1) xenophobia
(2) autophobia
(3) monophobia
(4) aquaphobia
757. A speech or piece of writing praising
(1) angiology (2) etymology
(3) eulogy (4) arcology
758. A place where ships load and
unload goods
(1) port (2) terminal
(3) coach (4) hangar
759. Difficult or impossible to reach
or to get
(1) illegible (2) inevitable
(3) inaudible (4) inaccessible
760. One who studies human antiquities
(1) apologist
(2) anthropologist
(3) archaeologist
(4) entomologist
761. One who does not believe in God
(1) devotee (2) theist
(3) atheist (4) anarchist
762. The scientific study of the mind
(1) philology (2) psychology
(3) sociology (4) anthropology
763. To express your thoughts clearly
in words
(1) articulate (2) archive
(3) ambivalent (4) equivocal
764. The rule by nobles
(1) monarchy (2) aristocracy
(3) republic (4) autocracy
765. A person or animal that eats all
kinds of food
(1) omnivorous
(2) herbivorous
(3) insectivorous
(4) carnivorous
Question No. (766–767) :
(SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-II CBE
ijh{kk] 21.02.2018)
766. Fear of pain.
(1) mysophobia (2) algophobia
(3) acrophobia (4) homophobia
767. 200th anniversary
(1) quadrennial
(2) bicentennial
(3) quinquennial
(4) bimillennial
768. A short story with a moral.
(1) wobble (2) parable
(3) scrabble (4) affable
769. Dress with medals, ribbons worn
at official ceremony.
(1) penicillia (2) penetralia
(3) regalia (4) basophilia
770. Extreme or indefinite to be adequately
(1) ostensible
(2) indescribable
(3) impressionable
(4) conceivable
771. The state of being deprived of a
right or privilege, especially the
right to vote.
(1) abolishment
(2) disenfranchisement
(3) abandonment
(4) abatement
772. Assembly or parliament in which
no party has got clear majority.
(1) clung (2) hung
(3) pung (4) dung
773. Belonging to middle class.
(1) chamois (2) turquoise
(3) bourgeois (4) envious
774. A formal expression of praise for
someone who has died.
(1) orology (2) eulogy
(3) cytology (4) misology
775. One who dies without will.
(1) abdicate (2) intestate
(3) fortunate (4) desperate
776. Systematic study of election
(1) archaeology
(2) psephology
(3) entomology
(4) eschatology
777. A statement which is accepted as
true without proof.
(1) elegy (2) axiom
(3) agenda (4) almanac
Question No. (778–779) :
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 04.03.2018)
778. An upright bar, post, or frame
forming a support or barrier
(1) repose (2) stanchion
(3) recumbent (4) supine
779. A routine task, especially a household
(1) chore (2) servitude
(3) moil (4) travail
Question No. (780–781) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 06.03.2018)
780. Extremely happy, peaceful, or
(1) idyllic (2) abominable
(3) iota (4) amiss
781. Showing a lack of courage or confidence
(1) tenacious (2) indomitable
(3) timid (4) gutsy
Question No. (782–783) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier – I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 07.03.2018)
782. A group of people leading the way
in new developments or ideas
(1) sycophant (2) stooge
(3) zealot (4) vanguard
783. Eager or quick to argue or fight;
aggressively defiant
(1) docile (2) truculent
(3) pliable (4) pliant
Question No. (784–785) :
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 07.03.2018)
784. Fix an object firmly and deeply
in a surrounding mass
(1) lax (2) embed
(3) flaccid (4) asunder
785. Look forward to
(1) eschew (2) abstain
(3) obviate (4) anticipate
Question No. (786–787) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 08.03.2018)
786. Annoyed or irritated and quick to
take offence at petty things
(1) appease (2) mollify
(3) huffy (4) soothe
787. Decrease or fade gradually before
coming to an end
(1) surge (2) accrual
(3) peter (4) swell
Question No. (788–789) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 10.03.2018)
788. An opinion or conclusion formed
on the basis of incomplete information
(1) proof (2) conjecture
(3) clincher (4) averment
789. Protection or exemption from
something, especially an obligation
or penalty
(1) castigation (2) immunity
(3) penance (4) ostracism
Question No. (790–791) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 12.03.2018)
790. The action of discouraging an
action or event through instilling
doubt or fear of the consequences
(1) buoy (2) spur
(3) deterrence (4) exhilarate
791. Make someone less angry or hostile
(1) sullen (2) offend
(3) chafe (4) placate
Question No. (792–793) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE aijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 15.03.2018)
792. Showing a lack of respect for
people or things that are generally
taken seriously
(1) solemn (2) pious
(3) devout (4) irreverent
793. Showing a skilful use of underhand
tactics to achieve goals
(1) scrupulous (2) veracious
(3) authentic (4) devious
Question No. (794–795) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) aijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
794. Rub a part of the body to restore
warmth or sensation
(1) asunder (2) chafe
(3) gelid (4) nippy
795. Lasting for a very short time
(1) ephemeral (2) immortal
(3) incessant (4) perennial
Question No. (796–797) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier–I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 16.03.2018)
796. A plant, leaf, or flower becoming
(1) bolster (2) invigorate
(3) wilt (4) fortify
797. Reduce something in size,
amount, or extent by a gradual
series of steps
(1) concoct (2) whittle
(3) beget (4) exigency
Question No. (798–799) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 17.03.2018)
798. Acutely distressing
(1) palatable (2) harrowing
(3) gratifying (4) suave
799. Revel in and make the most of
something pleasing
(1) abhor (2) bask
(3) fret (4) edgy
Question No. (800–801) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 17.03.2018)
800. Causing annoyance or resentment
(1) congenial (2) galling
(3) amiable (4) mellow
801. Recklessly extravagant or wasteful
in the use of resources
(1) profligate (2) churlish
(3) harpy (4) hoarder
Question No. (802–803) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 19.03.2018)
802. Wrap or cover for warmth
(1) encourage (2) muffle
(3) divulge (4) expose
803. Keen interest or enthusiasm
(1) lassitude (2) lethargy
(3) avidity (4) soporific
Question No. (804–805) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 19.03.2018)
804. A system of religious belief; a faith
(1) nihilism (2) heresy
(3) impiety (4) creed
805. A formal speech, especially one
given on a ceremonial occasion
(1) oration (2) reticent
(3) bashful (4) taciturn
Question No. (806–807) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 20.03.2018)
806. Regard with great respect
(1) insolence (2) venerate
(3) flippancy (4) coarseness
807. Kill someone by covering their
nose and mouth so that they suffocate
(1) bulwark (2) foster
(3) sentinel (4) smother
Question No. (808–809) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 20.03.2018)
808. Be deprived of property or a right
or privilege as a penalty for
(1) forfeited (2) endow
(3) render (4) assign
809. Absolve someone from blame for
a fault or wrongdoing
(1) indict (2) exonerate
(3) allege (4) slur
Question No. (810–811) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 21.03.2018)
810. Senseless talk or writing
(1) astute (2) balderdash
(3) sagacious (4) prudent
811. Made or done in the traditional
or original way
(1) authentic (2) effigy
(3) archetype (4) forge
Question No. (812–813) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 21.03.2018)
812. The rejection of all religious and
moral principles, in the belief that
life is meaningless
(1) nihilism (2) certitude
(3) credence (4) fidelity
813. Be an expression of or give a tangible
or visible form to an idea,
quality, or feeling
(1) spectre (2) revenant
(3) embody (4) apparition
Question No. (814–815) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 22.03.2018)
814. A person who is intolerant towards
those holding different
(1) clement
(2) magnanimous
(3) complaisant
(4) bigot
815. Exercising a compelling charm
which inspires devotion in others
(1) vile (2) charismatic
(3) offensive (4) odious
Question No. (816–817) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 22.03.2018)
816. Relating to or involved in crime
(1) chaste (2) impeccant
(3) licit (4) felonious
817. A person or thing that is a perfect
example of a particular quality
or type
(1) epitome (2) abase
(3) libertine (4) profligate
Question No. (818–819) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 23.03.2018)
818. Rude in a mean-spirited and surly
(1) affable (2) churlish
(3) cordial (4) genteel
819. A characteristic of one thing that
is suggestive of another
(1) antithetic (2) disparate
(3) conjecture (4) reminiscence
Question No. (820–821) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 23.03.2018)
820. Respect and admiration.
(1) peccant (2) culpable
(3) vicious (4) esteem
821. Involving many carefully arranged
parts or details; detailed and complicated
in design and planning.
(1) labyrinthine
(2) facile
(3) elaborate
(4) prodigious
Question No. (822–823) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 25.03.2018)
822. Infinite or unending time
(1) ephemeral (2) fugacious
(3) eternity (4) transitory
823. A person falsely claiming to have
a special knowledge or skill
(1) indubitable (2) palpable
(3) authentic (4) charlatan
Question No. (824–825) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 26.03.2018)
824. Farmland ploughed and harrowed
but left for a period without being
sown in order to restore its
(1) fallow (2) urbane
(3) sophisticated
(4) genteel
825. Showing or feeling no interest,
enthusiasm or concern
(1) ardent (2) fervent
(3) apathetic (4) melancholic
Question No. (826–827) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 27.03.2018)
826. Deprived of or lacking of something
(1) bereft (2) halcyon
(3) snug (4) opulent
827. A deity or spirit embodied in human
(1) imp (2) incarnate
(3) spirit (4) ogre
Question No. (828–829) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 28.03.2018)
828. A payment given for professional
services that are rendered nominally
without charge
(1) honorarium(2) penalty
(3) forfeit (4) retribution
829. Change in form, nature, or substance
(1) resolute (2) immutable
(3) intrepid (4) transmute
830- Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
A person who is indifferent to the
pains and pleasures of life.
(1) Social (2) Introvert
(3) Stoic (4) Solitary
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
831- Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
One who does a thing for pleasure
and not as a profession
(1) Amateur (2) Volunteer
(3) Athlete (4) Sportsperson
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
832. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words given.
A close fitting cover for the blade
of a knife or sword.
(1) Packet (2) Pouch
(3) Sheath (4) Mask
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
833. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words given.
A place in a large institution for
the care of those who are ill.
(1) Camp
(2) Clinic
(3) Infirmary
(4) Shelter
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
834. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
Government not connected with
religious or spiritual matters.
(1) Theocratic (2) Secular
(3) Monarchical (4) Democratic
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa
vle jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
835. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
A sound that connot be heard.
(1) invisible (2) unrevealed
(3) inaudible (4) impalpable
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa
vle jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
836. Select the word, which means the
same as the group of words
the keeper of a museum
(1) compere
(2) curator
(3) commissioner
(4) conservator
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
837.Select the word, which means the
same as the group of words
A large enclosure for keeping the
birds in
(1) menagerie (2) aviary
(3) aquarium (4) apiary
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
838. Select the word, which means the
same as the group of words
a person who eats human flesh
(1) carnivore (2) tribal
(3) cannibal (4) scavenger
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
839. Select the word, which means the
same as the group of words
A fortress typically one on high
ground above a city
(1) tower (2) citadel
(3) palace (4) colossus
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
840. Select the word, which means the
same as the group of words
a medical specialist who administers
drugs for relieving pain
during surgery
(1) anesthetist (2) analgesic
(3) nephrologist
(4) dermatologist
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
841. Select the most appropriate word
for the given group of words.
a large bound bundle of paper,
hay or cotton
(1) barrel (2) bale
(3) gale (4) cache
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
842. Select the most appropriate word
for the given group of words.
instrument used for coding and
decoding messages
(1) chronometer
(2) cryptograph
(3) cardiograph
(4) crescograph
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
843. Select the most appropriate word
for the given group of words.
the base frame of a car or other
wheeled vehicle
(1) fuselage (2) bonnet
(3) chassis (4) cockpit
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
844. Select the most appropriate word
for the given group of words.
things or people of the same kind
(1) contemporaries
(2) homogeneous
(3) fellows
(4) colleagues
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
845. Select the most apropriate words
for the given group of words.
a small group of people having
control of a country
(1) oligarchy (2) plutocracy
(3) aristocracy (4) theocracy
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
846. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words given.
A person, animal or plant much
below the usual height
(1) wizard (2) dwarf
(3) creature (4) witch
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
04.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
847. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words given.
A student who idly or without excuse
absents himself/herself
from school
(1) truant (2) vagrant
(3) itinerant (4) migrant
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
04.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
848. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
an enclosure to keep the birds in
(1) aviary (2) apiary
(3) stable (4) sanctuary
SSC CGL TIER-I (CBE) ijh{kk]
06.06.2019(izFke ikyh)
849. Select the word which means the
same as the group of words
An inscription on a tombstone
written in memory of the deceased
(1) pillar (2) epitaph
(3) slab (4) basilica

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