Directions : In these questions, the 1st and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

401. 1. September 2005.
P. I felt such a great weight on me
that I could barely move.
Q. As the doors closed behind me, I
was overcome by deep loneliness
and despair.
R. I was leaving behind my family
and I didn’t know when I would
see them again.
S. I was going through the departure
gate at the airport in
Holguin, Cuba.
6. In my hands I held my prayer book.
(1) RSQP (2) RQPS
(3) SQRP (4) PSRQ
402. 1. The recipe of making white
sauce is very simple.
P. Stir the mixture of maida and
butter constantly.
Q. Put one table spoon of fine flour
(maida) when the butter gets
R. Heat one table spoon of butter in
a pan.
S. Add one cup of milk to the mixture
and cook for one minute.
6. Add salt and pepper to taste.
(1) QRSP (2) PRQS
(3) SRQP (4) RQPS
403. 1. I can’t stand here and promise
that your future path is going
to be wonderful.
P. Whatever one feels like doing today
is set up as moral.
Q. People don’t even pretend to care
about what is right.
R. Instead, it might be very difficult,
because our time is different than
some other eras in human history.
S. If you look around, you can see
that, little by little, it is a path
leading to our destruction.
6. I am afraid that this legacy of freedom
is facing an uncertain future.
(1) PSRQ (2) RQPS
(3) QSRP (4) PQRS
404. 1. Rose was lonely in the house.
P. She was very good at that.
Q. She sat all day in a room on the
R. She would sit on the rug and do
her reading and writing.
S. It was a little room with nothing
but a bed and a rug.
6. It was the only thing she had
learnt from the convent.
(1) QRSP (2) RSPQ
(3) QSRP (4) PSQR
405. 1. “As a matter of fact”, said the
boy modestly,”I’m a spaceman.”
P. “You can’t see it from here.”
Q. ‘From another planet.’
R. ‘I’m a spaceman’, he said again.
S. John and George stared at the
6. John gasped, George gave a
shout of laughter.
(1) PSRQ (2) QPSR
(3) RQPS (4) SRQP
406. 1. A poor woman lost her only
P. He asked her to bring mustard
seed from a house where no
death had ever taken place.
Q. As Buddha wanted her to understand
that death is inevitable.
R. She could not find such a house.
S. She came to Buddha to bring her
son back to life.
6. The woman understood the message
of Buddha.
(1) SPQR (2) SQPR
(3) RSPQ (4) SRPQ
407. 1. Don’t ask what we are doing
this time.
P. On other occasions we have time
in hand.
Q. It is di fficult to say i f the
programme can be put up at all.
R. This time we are not only facing
a lack of time but of resources
as well.
S. I am losing confidence gradually,
so please see what you can do
for us.
6. We don’t want to give up trying.
(1) PRQS (2) RQSP
(3) QSRP (4) QRPS
408. 1. It is now five in the evening.
P. And so it will bear away another
Q. Soon it will be six and it will be
R. I have to unveil the truth; I have
to end the injustices committed
by the shadow.
S. The shadow will then come in
6. The shadow must be defeated.
(1) PSRQ (2) SQRP
(3) QSPR (4) PRQS
409. 1. “Mother do you love me?”, she
P. She then looked into her mother’s
tear-filled eyes out of impatience
for a reply.
Q. She kept waiting but her mother
did not speak.
R. Then, she understood what
words the mother’s eyes spoke
and the reason for her silence.
S. She got no direct reply and grew
6. She climbed slowly on to her
mother’s lap.
(1) PRQS (2) QSRP
(3) SQPR (4) RQPS
410. In the early 1920’s, settlers came
to Alaska looking for gold.
P. Today, people use it to get from
place to place.
Q. The trail they used to travel inland
is known today as the
Iditarod trail.
R. They travelled by boat, to Seward
and Krik and from there by land
into the gold fields.
S. The Iditarod trail quickly became
a major thoroughfare in Alaska.
6. In the winters, the only means of
travel down this trail is by dog
(1) PSQR (2) RQSP
(3) PQRS (4) QRSP
411. 1. There was a large gathering at
the party.
P. I, too wore a brand new gold
Q. My black leather shoes were
R. It matched well with my new pair
of faded stone washed pants.
S. Everybody had put-on new
colourful clothes.
6. They had been polished.
(1) SRPQ (2) RPQS
(3) SPRQ (4) PQSR
412. 1. There was nobody in the market
at that time of the night.
P. Added to that it had been raining
Q. The night was darker than usual.
R. All shops were closed.
S. The atmosphere was heavy.
6. The stars disappeared from the
sky and it made the night heavier.
(1) PQRS (2) QPRS
(3) SRPQ (4) RQPS
413. 1. The fame of Bacon as a creative
writer rests mainly on his
P. The term is derived from ‘essai’.
Q. It may be perhaps desirable to
write something on ‘Essay’.
R. ‘Essai’ means experiment, attempt.
S. The essay covers an enormous
range of composition.
6. In style the essay is often self revelatory
and illustrative.
(1) PQRS (2) QPRS
(3) RPSQ (4) SPRQ
414. 1. Vinoo was to leave for
Hyderabad by the 5 o’clock train.
P. Quickly, both got the luggage in
and the train began to move.
Q. He drove to the station and
reached a few minutes before the
train was to leave.
R. However, Vinoo had a busy
schedule on that day and could
leave the office only around 4:45
S. He rushed on to the platform and
found his friend waiting near their
6. Vinoo heaved a sigh of relief and
settled down to enjoy the journey.
(1) PQSR (2) RSQP
(3) SQPR (4) RQSP
415. 1. After the firing that evening the
street that used to be full of
people was completely deserted.
P. Nor were any windows open.
Q. Suddenly, I detected a movement
to my left.
R. There was no trace of any human
beings, and all doors were
firmly closed.
S. Surprisingly, even the stray dogs
had disappeared.
6. I was so frightened that I ran for
my life.
(1) PSQR (2) PQRS
(3) RPSQ (4) RSPQ
416. 1. Sunita Aralikar’s story is incredible
but true.
P. Fortunately she was pulled out
of the tiny grave by her maternal
Q. Her mother died when she was
fifteen days old.
R. Her grandfather decided to educate
her on his own.
S. She was buried alive by her illiterate
father the next day.
6. Today Sunita is an author and a
well known social activist, fighting
against female infanticide.
(1) PQRS (2) SRQP
(3) QSPR (4) PRSQ
417. 1. It was my first day in college.
P. They took me to their room.
Q. As I entered, two seniors approached
R. I was happy to follow them.
S. They offered to help me to locate
my classroom.
6. There they forced me to part with
my money and the wrist watch.
(1) PRQS (2) RPQS
(3) QSRP (4) SPQR
418. 1. The teacher asked the boys to
be quiet.
P. The boys opened their books.
Q. Suddenly there was some noise
R. Then he asked them to open their
S. The teacher looked outside.
6. A dog had entered in the school
(1) QSRP (2) PRSQ
(3) RPQS (4) SQRP
419. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order
They also need help
P. rains have failed, and
Q. agricultural production will
fall drastically
R. just now, because
(1) RPQ (2) RQP
(3) PQR (4) QPR
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 24-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
Directions (420–421) : Rearrange
the parts of the sentences in correct
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 30-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
420. The architecture
P. was designed to promote
Q. of the Internet
R. connectivity, not security
(1) QPR (2) RQP
(3) PQR (4) PRQ
421. It secured support from
P. government, a significant development
in itself
Q. other sections of the
R. Opposition, and defeated the
(1) RQP (2) QRP
(3) PRQ (4) PQR
422. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
This is what comes
P. who sits below the Finance
Q. and not consulting the economist
R. out of not knowing economics
(1) QRP (2) RQP
(3) PRQ (4) PQR
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 31-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
423. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
The pith helmets
P. gone, but the blood
Q. has never dried
R. may have long
(1) RPQ (2) RQP
(3) PQR (4) QPR
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 31-01-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
424. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
The fundamental cause of
P. modern world the stupid are
Q. the trouble is that in the
R. while the intelligent are full
of doubt
(1) RPQ (2) QRP
(3) QPR (4) PRQ
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 01-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
425. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
It ignores the real victim,
P. of getting justice
Q. often compelling him/her
R. to find extra legal methods
(1) RQP (2) RPQ
(3) PRQ (4) QRP
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 01-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
426. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
We should learn our lesson
P. from this history and stay
Q. of our neighbours
R. from interfering in the messy
domestic politics
(1) PRQ (2) PQR
(3) QPR (4) RPQ
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 02-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
427. Rearrange the parts of the sentence
in correct order.
Public goods are
P. important as they
Q. mitigate the impact of
R. income, poverty and inequality
(1) QRP (2) PQR
(3) RPQ (4) QPR
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 02-02-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
Directions (428–429) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
428. P. In other countries which are
populated by ‘haves’, frustration
is among them also because
they do “haves”.
Q. In some countries, frustration
exists because these countries
are populated by “havenots”.
R. Frustration is a global cancer.
S. It has spared no country.
(1) RSQP (2) SQRP
(3) PSRQ (4) QRPS
429. P. The real purpose underlying
this maxim lies in its utility in
the worldly sense.
Q. He has within him a spirit
which is ever exhorting him to
cut down his needs and learn
to be happy with what he has.
R. Man is something much greater
than an intelligent being
using his intellect to make
newer inventions from time to
S. It tells us to be up and doing,
not to be passive in our attitude
to life.
(1) PRQS (2) QPSR
(3) RQPS (4) SRPQ
Directions (430–431) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 08-08-2017 izFke ikyh)
430. P. Granted, political defection is
increasingly less an act of
ideological defiance than one
of pure opportunism.
Q. Yet, for all it flaws, the current
law recognizes and respects
one fundamental principle:
The right to dissent .
R. A blanket ban on defection will
weaken rather than strengthen
democracy, in whose name it
is being sought to be imposed.
S. Granted also that it is illogical
to allow a third of the party to
spl i t but not in a lesser
(1) RPSQ (2) PSRQ
(3) RSPQ (4) PRSQ
431. P. As difficult as it may be to
recognize what it is inside us
that is making us respond
with negativity, that is the path
towards forgiveness.
Q. This will automatically change
your relationship with the
other person and you will feel
much better.
R. We need to recognize our
reaction to the other person
as a mirror of something in
S. Whatever, the issues might
be, once you have discovered
them, you can work on forgiving
(1) SQRP (2) SRQP
(3) RQPS (4) RPSQ
Directions (432–433) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 09-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
432. P. To those who have known
comfort, discomfort is a real
Q. Comfort is now one of the
causes of its own spread.
R. The more comfort is brought
into the world, the more it is
likely to be valued.
S. It has now become a physical
habit, a fashion, an ideal
to be pursued for its own
(1) QRSP (2) QPRS
(3) QPSR (4) QSRP
433. P. In that frame of mind, we
have little sense of identity,
safety or security.
Q. Courage is required to explore
our secret life because
we must first withdraw from
the social mirror, where we
are fed positive and negative
feedback continuously.
S. As we get used to this social
feedback, it becomes a comfort
R. And we may opt to avoid self
examination and idle away
our time in a vacuum of reverie
and rationalization.
(1) QSRP (2) QRSP
(3) SQRP (4) SRQP
Directions (434–435) : each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
ijh{kk 10-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
434. P. It would be better to speak
of uniformities of nature.
Q. Law of nature are not commands
but statements of
R. This would do away with elementary
fallacy that a law implies
a law given.
S. The use of the word law in
this context is rather unfortunate.
(1) QSRP (2) SQRP
(3) QSPR (4) SQPR
435. P. When the game of life is finally
over there is no second
chance to correct our errors.
Q. Time is the greater equalizer
of all mankind.
R. Time offers opportunity but
demands a sense of regard.
S. It has taken away the best
and the worst of us without
regard of either.
(1) QSRP (2) RSQP
(3) PQRS (4) RSPQ
Directions (436–437) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 11-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
436. P. They never desert us even
when all fair weather friends
have deserted us.
Q. Books are never fai ling
R. They dispel the dark clouds
of gloom from our minds and
increase our happiness if we
are already happy.
S. Through the ages, the scriptures
and other great books
have provided, immeasurable
solace to the wounded and
strife torn humanity.
(1) QRSP (2) PRSQ
(3) RSPQ (4) QPRS
437. P. When the robber was near
her bed, she stood up suddenly,
‘brandishing the knife.
Q. One night the robber did enter
her room but Lakshmi did
not make any sound.
R. She just kept a tight hold of
the knife and pretended to be
sound asleep.
S. The robber was taken aback
and with a loud cry, he ran
(1) SQRP (2) PRQS
(3) QRPS (4) PSQR
Directions (438–439) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 12-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
438. P. While the Soviet Government
bought grain and other foreign
consumer goods to be
sold in domestic markets at
heavily subsidized rates, Russia
rejected socialism.
Q. The oil industry was the prime
target of a sweeping
privatization drive launched
after the break-up of the Soviet
R. The Russian government has
failed to do for its people
even a fraction of what the
Soviet Union, with twice the
population, did with the revenue
generated from oil.
S. However, not all Russian have
been rolling in oil wealth.
(1) QSRP (2) PRQS
(3) RQSP (4) RSPQ
439. P. The recent reduction in interest
rates in the US and the
injection of liquidity have resulted
in investors seeking
new avenues such as commodity
markets, in view of the
turbulence in financial markets
and the low returns in
Q. The relatively easy liquidity
and low interest rates, by
themselves, make holding of
inventories attractive and
thus induce volatility in commodity
R. The financialisation of commodity
trade and current extraordinary
conditions in global
financial markets could
have influenced the spurt in
S. The weakening of the US dollar
is also advanced as a reason
for the recent volatility in
commodity markets, including
food items.
(1) PRQS (2) SPQR
(3) QSPR (4) RPQS
Directions (440–441) : Each question
below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 10-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
440. P. And the victims are likely to
be the poorest of the poor as
well as the very sources of
water- rivers, wetlands and
Q. In India, water conflicts are
likely to worsen before they
begin to be resolved.
R. Till then they pose a significant
threat to economic
growth, security and health
of the ecosystem.
S. Water is radically altering and
affecting political boundaries
all over world, between as well
as within countries.
(1) SQPR (2) PRQS
(3) QRPS (4) PSQR
441. P. For one, very few entrepreneurs
are willing to take on a
new outsource, unless it
comes with a guarantee of a
certain level of sales.
Q. This invariably acts as an incentive
for outsources to be
lax in developing the business.
R. Despite being the dominant
partner in the relationship,
the outsourcer doesn’t always
have all the advantages.
S. The trade refers to it as the
minimum guarantee clause,
which means that if a outsourcee
is unable to reach an
anticipated sales level, he will
be compensated for the balance
(1) PRQS (2) SPQR
(3) QSPR (4) RPSQ
Directions (442–443) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
ijh{kk 11-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
442. P. And if I think about something
which didn’t happen I start
thinking about all the other
things which didn’t happen.
Q. But there is only ever one
thing which happened at a
particular time and a particular
R. And there are an infinite number
of things which didn’t happen
at that time and that
S. A lie is when you say something
happened which didn’t
(1) QSRP (2) SQPR
(3) SRQP (4) SQRP
443. P. The magnitude of the interdependence
depends on the
technique of production causing
the shifts in the food supply
Q. Interdependence of food and
labour market is important for
the development process.
R. Similarly, an upward shift in
the food supply curve shifts
up the food demand curve.
S. An upward shift in the food
supply curve would simultaneously
result in an upward
shift in the labour demand
(1) QSPR (2) QPRS
(3) PSRQ (4) SPQR
Directions (444–445) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 21-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
444. Our only enemies were
X. heat, thirst, and flies, but far
Y. from man or beast than that awful
Z. rather would I have faced any
(1) XYZ (2) ZYX
(3) XZY (4) ZXY
445. Thus, I stand on a
X. hill and watch a labourer
Y. upon the distant railway
Z. striking with his sledge
(1) XYZ (2) XZY
(3) ZYX (4) ZXY
Directions (446–447) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
ijh{kk 22-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
446. Now I just have to keep my
X. place and not let that scrawny
Y. guy with gelled
Z. hair edge in front of me
(1) YZX (2) XYZ
(3) ZXY (4) XZY
447. The idea of a standard time
X. lives that we often take it for
Y. zone has become so integral to
Z. granted and assume it to be a
part of natural phenomena
(1) ZYX (2) XYZ
(3) YZX (4) YXZ
Directions (448–452) : Each of
the questions below consists of a set
of labelled sentences. Out of the four
options given, select the most logical
order of the sentences/clauses to form
a coherent paragraph.
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 11.09.2017 f}rh; ikyh)
448. Reading forces us to
P: or heard in our lives
Q: we might not have seen
R: look at words that
(1) PQR (2) RQP
(3) PRQ (4) QRP
449. The Indian Government
P: balanced economic growth
Q: had to plan for
R: and development of a huge
(1) PRQ (2) QRP
(3) RPQ (4) QPR
450. The burden of
P: another issue that
Q: the GST aims to redress
R: regressive taxes is
(1) RPQ (2) PQR
(3) QPR (4) RQP
451. As the earth becomes
P: people are likely to be
Q: affected by tropical diseases
R: warmer, more and more
(1) PQR (2) RQP
(3) RPQ (4) QRP
452. Intoxicating drink
P: for good health
Q: should be avoided
R: and smoking
(1) RQP (2) PQR
(3) PRQ (4) QPR
Directions (453 – 457) : In the
following questions. rearrange the parts
of each sentence in correct order.
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 12.09.2017 izFke ikyh)
453. The extremes
P. process of national integration
Q. a hindrance in the
R. of poverty are
(1) PRQ (2) QPR
(3) RPQ (4) RQP
454. Bigger economies
P. way and have
Q. grow in a sustainable
R. more global influence
(1) QPR (2) RPQ
(3) PRQ (4) QRP
455. Education is of
P. utmost importance for
Q. eradicating the unemployment
R. problem of our country
(1) PRQ (2) QPR
(3) RPQ (4) PQR
456. The homogeneity
P. and reinforced
Q. is perpetuated
R. by education
(1) RPQ (2) QPR
(3) PRQ (4) QRP
457. Acceptance of
P. typically very high in the
Q. e-learning systems is
R. corporate world for one’s personal
(1) RPQ (2) QPR
(3) PQR (4) RQP
Directions (458–462) : In the following
questons, rearrange the parts
of each sentence in correct order.
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 13.09.2017 izFke ikyh)
458. India surprised
P. the world’s fastest
Q. growing major economy
R. the world by becoming
(1) RPQ (2) RQP
(3) PQR (4) QPR
459. We can save paper
P. in electronic format
Q. and by not printing emails
R. by keeping documents
(1) QPR (2) PRQ
(3) RQP (4) RPQ
460. Some people
P. the presence of pears
Q. feel intimidated by
R. during the learning process
(1) PRQ (2) QPR
(3) RQP (4) RPQ
461. The object
P. is undoubtedly
Q. something fairly new
R. of adaptive e-learning
(1) PQR (2) QRP
(3) RQP (4) RPQ
462. Walking is the
P. exercise to
Q. best form of
R. remain healthy
(1) RPQ (2) QPR
(3) PQR (4) RQP
Directions (463–464) : Rearrange
the parts of the sentence in correct
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 16.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
463. It takes
P : to change their
Q : way of thinking
R : time for people
(1) RQP (2) QPR
(3) RPQ (4) PRQ
464. Politeness is
P : possessed by only
Q : one nation or race
R : not a quality
(1) RPQ (2) PRQ
(3) QPR (4) QRP
Directions (465–466) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 17.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
465. There was once
P. a poor man who earned
Q. himself and his family
R. just a bare living for
(1) PRQ (2) QRP
(3) QPR (4) RPQ
466. Attracted by the serenity
P. public walks near the city
Q. of the evening, a friend
R. and I lately went to one of the
(1) PRQ (2) QPR
(3) RPQ (4) QRP
Directions (467–468) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the most logical order
of the sentences to form a coherent
(SSC MTS ijh{kk 18.09.2017 r`rh; ikyh)
467. Deforestation is already held to
P. areas and its continuation would
Q. lead to further ecological disasters
R. caused irreversible damage in
(1) PQR (2) RPQ
(3) PRQ (4) RQP
468. A tsunami
P. fallout of an earthquake
Q. on the ocean floor
R. is normally a
(1) RPQ (2) QPR
(3) RQP (4) QRP
Directions (469–470) : Each of
the questions below consists of a set
of labelled sentences. Out of the four
options given, select the most logical
order of the sentences to form a coherent
ijh{kk 08-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
469. P. He raised his voice against
Q. People are generally very
open and accept social changes
with a positive attitude.
R. Swami Dayanand Saraswati
is remembered with reverence
and affection among the
social reformers of the nineteenth
S. India is a country which respects
spiritualism much
more than materialism.
(1) QRSP (2) PRSQ
(3) RSPQ (4) SQRP
470. P. For that we need people who
possess not only high skills
but high values as well.
Q. So the need of the hour is not
only skill-based education but
also value-inspired and value-
based education.
R. When we talk of investing in
education, a question arises
as to what kind of education
needs to be given to the
S. Our aim is to evolve not only
an affluent society, but an
egalitarian, just, humane and
compassionate society.
(1) SPRQ (2) PRQS
(3) RQSP (4) RSPQ
Directions (471–472) : The
questions below consist of a set of
labelled sentences. Out of the four
options given, select the most logical
order of the sentences to form a
coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 09-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
471. P. However, our environment
also needs some help from all
of us to get maintained as
usual to nourish our lives
forever and to never ruin our
Q. It gives us all things which we
need to live our life on this
R. It provides us better medium
to grow and develop.
S. An environment includes all
the natural resources which
surround us to help in
number of ways.
(1) PQRS (2) QPSR
(3) SRQP (4) QSPR
472. P. The starting point can be the
experience of a minority within
society generally or even the
experience of a group of
people within a progressive
social movement which does
not live up to its progressive
agenda in every respect.
Q. Within (or after) postmodernism
a grand unifying theory
no longer seems possible.
This does not exclude the possibility
or the necessity of dialogue.
R. The starting points of social
criticism can be very different
and the different forms of
social ism never have a
monopoly on Social Criticism.
S. Nevertheless most social
critics stil l consider the
Critique of capitalism to be
(1) PRQS (2) RPQS
(3) RQPS (4) PSRQ
Directions (473–474) : The
questions below consist of a set of
labelled sentences. Out of the four
options given, select the most logical
order of the sentences to form a
coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 19-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
473. Three times this was
X. only be compared to the
deepest notes of thunder
Y. shook with the noise, that can
Z. repeated, and each time the
(1) ZXY (2) YZX
(3) ZYX (4) YXZ
474. The causes and their
X. in the same series
Y. one order, they stand
Z. effects belong to the
(1) ZXY (2) YZX
(3) YXZ (4) ZYX
Directions (475–476) : The questions
below consist of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the
sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
ijh{kk 20-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
475. They had seen enough of the
X. them to come a step farther
Y. desert already, and no number
Z. of knives would have tempted
(1) YXZ (2) YZX
(3) XZY (4) XYZ
476. Such are the strata which we
X. species as those now living
in the Mediterranean
Y. meet with in the south of Sicily,
Z. with shells for the most part
of the same
(1) YXZ (2) XZY
(3) XYZ (4) YZX
Directions (477–480) : Each
question below consists of a set of labelled
sentences. Out of the four options
given, select the MOST LOGICAL
ORDER of the sentences to form a coherent
(SSC LVsuksxzkiQj xzsM&‘C’ ,oa ‘D’
ijh{kk 14.09.2017 izFke ikyh)
477. To be yourself in a world
P. to make you something else
Q. that is constantly trying
R. is the greatest achievement
(1) PQR (2) RQP
(3) QPR (4) QRP
478. Life appears to me
P. too short to be spent
Q. or registering wrongs
R. in nursing animosity
(1) PQR (2) PRQ
(3) RPQ (4) QPR
479. No man, for any considerable
P. without finally getting bewildered
Q. as to which may be the true
R. can wear one face to himself
and another to the multitude
(1) QRP (2) RPQ
(3) PQR (4) QPR
480. The magnificant horse roamed
P. before stopping
Q. in front of the hut where
Dhammasethe resided
R. the length and breadth of the
(1) PQR (2) RQP
(3) RPQ (4) QRP
481. Don’t leave something good
P. because once you realize
Q. to find better
R. you had the best, the best
has found better
(1) RPQ (2) QPR
(3) PQR (4) QRP
Directions (482–501) : In the following
questions, there are six parts
marked S1, S6, P, Q, R and S. The
position of S1 and S6 are fixed. Some
parts of the sentence have been jumbled
up. Rearrange these parts and
choose the proper sequence from the
given options. In some of the questions,
a sentence is divided into four parts
(P, Q, R and S). Rearrange it in the
proper sequence in order to make a
meaningful sentence.
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 15-12-2017 Paper-II)
482. P. or characters used
Q. structure of a language
R. alphabet is a set of graphs S.
to represent the phonemic
(1) RPSQ (2) PRSQ
(3) SQPR (4) PQRS
483. S1. Two game cocks were fiercely
fighting for the mastery of
the farmyard.
P. The vanquished cock
skulked away and hid himself
in a quiet corner.
Q. An eagle sailing through the
air pounced upon him and
carried him off in his talons.
R. One at last put the other to
S. While the conqueror, flying
up to a high wall, flapped his
wings and crowed exultingly
with all his might.
S6. The vanquished cock immediately
came out of his corner,
and ruled henceforth
with undisputed mastery.
(1) RSQP (2) SQPR
(3) PSQR (4) RPSQ
484. P. people have been eating asparagus
Q. called garden asparagus
R. as a vegetable since ancient
S. the vegetable is also
(1) PRSQ (2) QPRS
(3) SPQR (4) RSQP
485. P. or car racing tests
Q. and a car’s power
R. automobile racing
S. both a driver’s skill
(1) RPSQ (2) QPSR
(3) RSPQ (4) SQPR
486. P. a geographical area usually
Q. cartography is the art and
R. on a flat surface such as a
map or chart
S. of graphically representing
(1) PQRS (2) QSPR
(3) QPRS (4) SQPR
487. S1. In 1962, Eunice Kennedy
Shriver the sister of President
John F. Kennedy, started
a summer camp for kids.
P. Similar camps were funded
across the United States and
Q. The camp, called Camp
R. Camp Shriver became a
yearly occurrence, and, with
support from the Joseph
Kennedy Jr. Foundation
S. Intended to provide a place
for these children to play
while also promoting the benefits
of physical activity
S6. The camps focused on
sports and gave out awards
for physical achievements.
(1) SQPR (2) PQSR
(3) QSRP (4) PQRS
488. S1. A bunny rabbit lived in the
forest; he had many friends
and he was proud of his
P. He was very scared.
Q. He quickly went to his friend
R. One day, bunny rabbit heard
the loud barking of wild dogs.
S. He decided to ask for help.
S6. The bunny rabbit said, ‘‘Dear
friend, some wild dogs are
chasing me, can you chase
them away with your sharp
(1) SPQR (2) RPSQ
(3) QRPS (4) SPQR
489. S1. One hot day, an ant was
searching for some water,
after walking around for
some time, she came to a
P. While making her way up,
she slipped and fell into the
Q. To reach the spring, she had
to climb up a blade of grass.
R. She could have drowned if a
dove up a nearby tree had
not seen her.
S. Seeing that the ant was in
trouble, the dove quickly
plucked a leaf and dropped it
into the water near the struggling
S6. The ant moved towards the
leaf and climbed up onto it;
and the leaf drifted to dry
ground, and the ant jumped
out, and she was safe at last.
(1) RSPQ (2) PQSR
(3) SQPR (4) QPRS
490. S1. I Have a Dream is a speech
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
P. And one of the most iconic
speeches in American history.
Q. Which was delivered on August
28, 1963, during the
March in Washington.
R. It became one of the defining
moments of the civil
rights movement.
S. The theme of the speech was
a call for equality and freedom.
S6. Some 250,000 people gathered
at the Lincoln Memorial
in Washington, D.C., for
the march in Washington.
(1) SRQP (2) PQRS
(3) QSRP (4) SQPR
491. P. that is closely related to the
peach tree
Q. almonds are commonly called
R. but they are actually seeds
S. and they come from a tree
(1) RPSQ (2) QRSP
(3) SQPR (4) RQPS
492. S1. Once when a lion, the king
of the jungle, was asleep, a
little mouse began running
up and down on him.
P. This soon awakened the lion,
who placed his huge paw on
the mouse, and opened his
big jaws to swallow him.
Q. I shall never repeat it and I
shall never forget your kindness.
R. ‘‘Pardon, O King!’’ cried the
little mouse.
S. ‘‘Forgive me this time and
who knows, I may be able to
do you a good turn one of
these days!’’
S6. The lion was so tickled by
the idea of the mouse being
able to help him that he lifted
his paw and let him go.
(1) PRQS (2) SQPR
(3) QSPR (4) QPRS
493. P. when warm summer
Q. to the cold of winter
R. autumn is the season
S. temperatures gradually decrease
(1) SRQP (2) RQPS
(3) RPSQ (4) PQRS
494. P. an audience
Q. often in a theatre
R. acted out before
S. a drama is a type of story
(1) QRPS (2) PSQR
(3) SRPQ (4) RSPQ
495. S1. One afternoon, a fox was
walking through the forest
and spotted a bunch of
grapes hanging from a lofty
P. Taking a few steps back, the
fox jumped and just missed
the hanging grapes.
Q. Finally, giving up, the fox
turned up his nose and said,
‘‘They’re probably sour anyway.’’
R. Again, the fox took a few
paces back and tried to reach
them, but still failed
S. ‘‘Just the thing to quench my
thirst,’’ said the fox
S6. Then he walked away.
(1) QSPR (2) PSQR
(3) SQPR (4) SPRQ
496. S1. Every year in July the city
of Pamplona in northeastern
Spain holds a rollicking
weeklong festival.
P. There are an unusually large
number of paramedics and
ambulances on hand.
Q. In the festival, there will be
drinking, parades, dancing,
and revelry late into the
R. That’s because this festival
happens to centre on a dangerous
and world-famous tradition
known the running of
the bulls.
S. To an uninitiated observer,
it would all look pretty normal
except for one thing.
S6. Early in the morning on every
day of the festival, about
2,000 people line up to participate
in the run.
(1) PQRS (2) QSPR
(3) PSQR (4) SPQR
497. S1. Here are a few theories as
to why a baker’s dozen became
P. Bakers who were found to
be cheating their customers
by overpricing undersized
loaves were subject to strict
Q. There may be fluctuations in
rising and baking and air
R. Even with careful planning,
it is difficult to ensure that
all of your baked goods come
out the same size.
S. In medieval England there
were laws that related the
price of bread to the price of
the wheat used to make it.
S6. For fear of accidentally coming
up short they would
throw in a bit extra to ensure
that they wouldn’t end
up with a surprise flogging
(1) PQRS (2) PSRQ
(3) RQPS (4) SPQR
498. P. this was called the abolitionist
Q. to slavery began a movement
to abolish
R. or end the practice
S. in the late 1700s people who
were opposed
(1) PQRS (2) RSQP
(3) RPQS (4) SQRP
499. P. or unfair treatment
Q. affirmative action is a policy
R. that tries to make up for past
S. against certain groups of people
(1) QRPS (2) SQPR
(3) RSPQ (4) SRQP
500. S1. Once upon a time, there lived
a farmer in a village, beside
a forest.
P. When the farmer was a little
boy, he spent much of his
time playing with the apple
Q. Those days, the apple tree
had given the choicest of apples
to him.
R. However, as time passed, the
apple tree became old and
stopped bearing fruits.
S. He had a big garden that had
an old apple tree and other
plants, trees and beautiful
S6. Now that the farmer was not
getting any apples from the
tree, he decided that the tree
was useless and cut it.
(1) PQRS (2) RSPQ
(3) QSPR (4) SPQR

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