Directions : In these questions, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt. Find that mis-spelt word.

601. (1) intelligence (2) identically
(3) inflameble (4) immediately
602. (1) janitor
(2) ordinarily
(3) insobreity
(4) psychometric
Question No. (603–607) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 05-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
603. (1) abbreviate
(2) accommodate
(3) admittance
(4) aggresser
604. (1) velocity (2) viscocity
(3) variability (4) vegetarian
605. (1) auxilliary (2) assiduous
(3) affidavit (4) affiliation
606. (1) ignominious (2) illumination
(3) inquitous (4) immediately
607. (1) perpetuity (2) preferential
(3) predecesser (4) percussive
Question No. (608–612) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 06-07-2017 izFke ikyh)
608. (1) mentering
(2) beginning
(3) challenging
(4) inviting
609. (1) pleasant (2) maximum
(3) homorous (4) inferior
610. (1) frequent (2) furioes
(3) ferocious (4) fabulous
611. (1) apparantly
(2) aggressive
(3) ambassador
(4) attention
612. (1) mercenary (2) magnanimus
(3) wakeful (4) melancholy
Question No. (613–614) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
613. (1) entrepreneur
(2) remuneration
(3) apprentice
(4) soveriegnity
614. (1) tranquillity
(2) perseverence
(3) resplendence
(4) accommodation
Question No. (615) :
615. (1) reside (2) revise
(3) advise (4) demice
ijh{kk 08-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
Question No. (616) :
616. (1) century (2) finance
(3) remember (4) sponser
ijh{kk 09-08-2017 f}rh; ikyh)
Question No. (617-618) :
ijh{kk 19-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
617. (1) contusion (2) contution
(3) cuntusion (4) cuntution
618. (1) scemitars (2) scimitars
(3) scimetars (4) scemetars
Question No. (619–620) :
ijh{kk 20-08-2017 r`rh; ikyh)
619. (1) hypnotyst (2) hipnotyst
(3) hipnotist (4) hypnotist
620. (1) theurise (2) theoris
(3) theuris (4) theorise
Question No. (621–622) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa DP ,oa SI
ijh{kk 15-12-2017 Paper-II)
621. (1) abundance (2) acclaim
(3) absense (4) advertisement
622. (1) acheive (2) apparently
(3) beginning (4) business
Question No. (623–625) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 17-02-2018)
623.(1) Declension
(2) Labyrinth
(3) Quintessence
(4) Pandemonioun
624. (1) Irrepresible
(2) Irrefutable
(3) Irrevocable
(4) Irresistible
625. (1) Acquaintance
(2) Ascendance
(3) Claervoyance
(4) Countenance
Question No. (626–632) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) ijh{kk 20-02-2018)
626. (1) Admonition
(2) Adjoration
(3) Aestivation
(4) Adulteration
627. (1) Acrimonious
(2) Alacritous
(3) Ambigous
(4) Anonymous
628. (1) Unmanagable
(2) Impenetrable
(3) Unassailable
(4) Unfathomable
629. (1) Commiety (2) Committee
(3) Comittee (4) Commitee
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 04-03-2018)
630. (1) stridancy (2) stridensy
(3) stridansy (4) stridency
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 04-03-2018)
631. (1) Beizarre (2) Bizaarre
(3) Bizarre (4) Bigarre
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-03-2018] izFke ikyh)
632. (1) percoletion (2) parcolation
(3) percolation (4) parcoletion
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I (CBE)
ijh{kk 05-03-2018] izFke ikyh)
Questions (633–637) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] isij&I (f}rh; ikyh) 02.07.2017)
633. (1) conscience
(2) continuity
(3) councillor
(4) conceit
634. (1) distillation
(2) discusion
(3) dysentery
(4) diesel
635. (1) triumph
(2) torchure
(3) tyrant
(4) thesaurus
636. (1) mediteranean
(2) miscellaneous
(3) municipality
(4) missionary
637. (1) psychiatrist
(2) proclaimation
(3) legitimacy
(4) tranquillity
Questions (638–642) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 03.07.2017)
638. (1) curriculum
(2) couragious
(3) collaborate
(4) cylinder
639. (1) deficiency
(2) dictionary
(3) diaphragm
(4) diabeties
640. (1) advertise
(2) addiction
(3) anniversory
(4) amateur
641. (1) restaurant
(2) rhinoceros
(3) righteous
(4) rehetorical
642. (1) successive
(2) tomorrow
(3) solemly
(4) trespasser
Questions (643–647) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI ijh{kk]
isij&I (f}rh; ikyh) 04.07.2017)
643. (1) carnivorus
(2) courageous
(3) compulsory
(4) conceive
644. (1) spontaneity
(2) acquaintance
(3) appropriation
(4) liquifiable
645. (1) bereavement
(2) palladium
(3) loathsome
(4) dysentry
646. (1) apartheid
(2) exhorbitant
(3) mischievous
(4) benefited
647. (1) repercussion
(2) obsolescing
(3) sillhoutte
(4) ludicrous
Questions (648–652) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 05.07.2017)
648. (1) commission
(2) commentary
(3) commitee
(4) competition
649. (1) millennium
(2) millionaire
(3) millenerian
(4) manageable
650. (1) patience
(2) pancreas
(3) omnisceint
(4) occurrence
651. (1) quiesence
(2) quotient
(3) quinine
(4) questionnaire
652. (1) mellifluence
(2) seudomonas
(3) syndrome
(4) vicissitude
Questions (653–657) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] (f}rh; ikyh) 06.07.2017)
653. (1) commentery
(2) moustache
(3) belligerent
(4) acquiescence
654. (1) embarrassment
(2) efflorescence
(3) grieveance
(4) desiccate
655. (1) forecast (2) puerille
(3) satellite (4) utterance
656. (1) exemplary
(2) translucent
(3) achievement
(4) gorgette
657. (1) manoevre
(2) commensurate
(3) harassment
(4) exaggerate
Questions (658–662) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
vkWuykbu ijh{kk] (izFke ikyh) 07.07.2017)
658. (1) stratagem
(2) repentence
(3) corrigendum
(4) alliteration
659. (1) napthalene
(2) impeccable
(3) stupefy
(4) psychiatrist
660. (1) fulfill (2) wilful
(3) skelful (4) shameful
661. (1) sergant
(2) pedestal
(3) scavenger
(4) luminescent
662. (1) mellifluence
(2) centenarian
(3) plebisite
(4) analysable
Questions (663–667) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI o fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 07.07.2017)
663. (1) subservience
(2) disturbance
(3) consceince
(4) deliquescence
664. (1) pertinacious
(2) shrubbery
(3) perpetuity
(4) precussive
665. (1) antonym (2) synonym
(3) homonym (4) psedonym
666. (1) succulent
(2) palaeolithic
(3) omellete
(4) enthusiastic
667. (1) chastisement
(2) emissary
(3) quiescent
(4) procelain
Questions (668–669) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
668. (1) vihecle (2) vehicle
(3) vehical (4) vecle
669. (1) instalmant
(2) instolmant
(3) instalment
(4) insttalment
Questions (670–671) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
670. (1) potatoes (2) patatoes
(3) patotoes (4) potatos
671. (1) profesor
(2) profesore
(3) professor
(4) professer
Questions (672–673) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
672. (1) adolescent
(2) adolecsent
(3) adoliscent
(4) adolescient
673. (1) aggrresive (2) agrressive
(3) aggressive (4) aggrassive
Questions (674–675) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
674. (1) ebarassed
(2) embarrassed
(3) emarrased
(4) embarased
675. (1) enginnering
(2) engeneering
(3) enginering
(4) engineering
Questions (676–677) :
(SSC eYVh&VkfLdax LVkiQ ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
676. (1) sucseed (2) suceed
(3) succeed (4) succed
677. (1) biscut (2) biscuite
(3) biscuit (4) bescucit
Questions (678–680) :
(SSC CAPFs ASI ,oa fnYyh iqfyl SI
ijh{kk] isij&II 15.12.2017)
678. (1) abundance
(2) acclaim
(3) absense
(4) advertisement
679. (1) acheive
(2) apparently
(3) beginning
(4) business
680. (1) perseverance
(2) possession
(3) reference
(4) restarant
Questions (681–683) :
(SSC CGL Tier-II CBE ijh{kk] 21.02.2018)
681. (1) disparage
(2) diabolical
(3) discrepeancy
(4) disheveled
682. (1) fanatiecism
(2) femininity
(3) flippant
(4) fortuitous
683. (1) impecunous
(2) impudence
(3) incongruous
(4) indomitable
Questions (684–685) : In the following
question, a word has been written
in four different ways out of which
only one is correctly spelt. Select the
correctly spelt word.
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 04.03.2018)
684. (1) asassination
(2) assasination
(3) assassination
(4) assaissination
685. (1) arbittrates
(2) arbitrates
(3) arbetrates
(4) arbettrates
Questions (686–687) :
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (izFke ikyh) 06.03.2018)
686. (1) fluorescent (2) floresecent
(3) floroscent (4) flowrascent
687. (1) coniferous
(2) coniferos
(3) coniferrous
(4) coniferros
Questions (688–689) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 07.03.2018)
688. (1) laison (2) liaison
(3) lieison (4) liaisone
689. (1) obsesive (2) obsessiv
(3) obsessive (4) obsesiv
Questions (690–691) :
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh) 07.03.2018)
690. (1) farenheit
(2) fahrenheit
(3) fahrenheight
(4) fahrenhist
691. (1) proximat
(2) proximmate
(3) proximate
(4) proximmat
Questions (692–693) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 08.03.2018)
692. (1) irresistable (2) irresistible
(3) iresistible (4) iresistable
693. (1) conturtion
(2) contorsion
(3) contortion
(4) contursion
Questions (694–695) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 10.03.2018)
694. (1) mellnia (2) millennia
(3) milleinia (4) meillenia
695. (1) declination
(2) declenation
(3) declinasion
(4) declenasion
Questions (696–697) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 12.03.2018)
696. (1) ambarass
(2) embarass
(3) embarrs
(4) embarrass
697. (1) Repositary
(2) Repository
(3) Repozitory
(4) Repozitary
Questions (698–699) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE aijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 15.03.2018)
698. (1) qustionnaire
(2) qustionaire
(3) questionnaire
(4) quetionnaire
699. (1) illiterrate (2) illiterate
(3) iliterate (4) iliterrate
Questions (700–701) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) ijh{kk] (r`rh; ikyh)
700. (1) camouflage
(2) cameousflage
(3) camouflege
(4) camioflaeg
701. (1) scentillate (2) scintilate
(3) scintillate (4) scentilate
Questions (702–703) :
(SSC CHSL (10+2) Tier–I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 16.03.2018)
702. (1) inocculate
(2) inoculate
(3) inouclulate
(4) inoculait
703. (1) petronage (2) patronag
(3) petronag (4) patronage
Questions (704–705) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 17.03.2018)
704. (1) acquaintance
(2) acuainatance
(3) acquaintence
(4) akquaintance
705. (1) megalomaniac
(2) megalomeniac
(3) megallomaniac
(4) megallomeniac
Questions (706–707) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 17.03.2018)
706. (1) immediately
(2) imedately
(3) immiediatley
(4) immedately
707. (1) svivelling
(2) swiveling
(3) swivelling
(4) sviveling
Questions (708–709) :
(SSC CHSL ijh{kk] (izFke ikyh) 19.03.2018)
708. (1) apeareance
(2) appearrance
(3) appearence
(4) appearance
709. (1) anotate
(2) annotate
(3) annottate
(4) anottate
Questions (710–711) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 19.03.2018)
710. (1) guarantiei
(2) guarantee
(3) gaurantee
(4) garantee
711. (1) desendent
(2) descendant
(3) desendant
(4) descendente
Questions (712–713) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 20.03.2018)
712. (1) misterous (2) misterius
(3) mysterous (4) mysterious
713. (1) unattractiveness
(2) unatrractiveness
(3) unattracttiveness
(4) unatrracttiveness
Questions (714–715) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 20.03.2018)
714. (1) acquittied (2) acquitted
(3) ecquited (4) acqiuteed
715. (1) bifurckated
(2) biffurcated
(3) biffurckated
(4) bifurcated
Questions (716–717) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 21.03.2018)
716. (1) caetegory (2) category
(3) cateigory (4) categoury
717. (1) scintillaters
(2) scintilators
(3) scintillators
(4) scintilaters
Questions (718–719) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 21.03.2018)
718. (1) sichology
(2) psychology
(3) sighchology
(4) sychology
719. (1) circummventing
(2) circumvanting
(3) circumventing
(4) circummvanting
Questions (720–721) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 22.03.2018)
720. (1) maineveer
(2) maneuver
(3) maneover
(4) manever
721. (1) expansion
(2) patronag
(3) conctituet
(4) presipitat
Questions (722–723) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 22.03.2018)
722. (1) maintenance
(2) maintainence
(3) maintanance
(4) mainteinance
723. (1) constituet
(2) conctitute
(3) conctituet
(4) constitute
Questions (724–725) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-1 CBE ijh{kk]
(izFke ikyh) 23.03.2018)
724. (1) possetion
(2) possession
(3) poessession
(4) posesion
725. (1) floundar (2) flounder
(3) flaunder (4) flaundar
Questions (726–727) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 23.03.2018)
726. (1) iminent (2) mouerning
(3) laticed (4) neoplasm
727. (1) asyrian (2) apustate
(3) marzipan (4) cucamber
Questions (728–729) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 25.03.2018)
728. (1) misillaneus
(2) miscellaneous
(3) micillanous
(4) micsellanous
729. (1) effluants (2) effluents
(3) efluents (4) efluants
Questions (730–731) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 26.03.2018)
730. (1) Hygiene (2) Hygine
(3) Higine (4) Hygeine
731. (1) symptommatically
(2) symptomaticaly
(3) symptomatically
(4) symptommaticaly
Questions (732–733) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 27.03.2018)
732. (1) Guardian (2) Gardian
(3) Guardiun (4) Gaurdian
733. (1) disconcerrted
(2) desconcerted
(3) desconcerrted
(4) disconcerted
Questions (734–735) :
(SSC CHSL (10 + 2) Tier-I CBE ijh{kk]
(r`rh; ikyh) 28.03.2018)
734. (1) fallacoius (2) falacious
(3) fallacious (4) facllacous
735. (1) perennialy
(2) perenially
(3) perennially
(4) perenialy
736- Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Budjet (2) Bugett
(3) Badjet (4) Budget
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
737- Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Supplementery
(2) Supplementary
(3) Suppllementary
(4) Suplementary
dkaLVscy (GD, CAPFs, NIA, SSF &
01.03.2019`)(izFke ikyh)
738. Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Knowledg (2) Knowledge
(3) Knowlege (4) Knoledge
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
739. Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Imfrastructure
(2) Infrastructur
(3) Infrastructure
(4) Infrastracture
SSC dkaLVscy (GD) ijh{kk]
02.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
740. Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Disappointment
(2) Dissappointment
(3) Disapointment
(4) Disappiontment
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa
vle jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
741. Select the correctly spelt word.
(1) Consititution
(2) Constituition
(3) Constitutoin
(4) Constitution
SSC CAPFs, NIA, SSF dkaLVscy (GD) ,oa
vle jkbiQYl jkbiQyeSu (GD) ijh{kk]
05.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
742. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(1) couragious (2) precious
(3) curious (4) victoriousx
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
743. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(1) gloomy (2) gloss
(3) gobbel (4) glutton
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
744. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(1) dissappoint(2) disappear
(3) disallow (4) discomfort
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
Directions (745–746) : Select the
wrongly spelt words.
SSC CAPFs, fnYyh iqfyl SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 12.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
745. (1) blister (2) blossum
(3) blind (4) blemish
746. (1) estimate (2) essencial
(3) esteem (4) establish
Directions (747-748): Select the
wrongly spelt word.
SSC fnYyh iqfyl] CAPFs SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
747.(1) devilish (2) device
(3) deviation (4) deveous
748.(1) evaporation
(2) establish
(3) essential
(4) evaluetion
749. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(1) releive (2) recruit
(3) receipt (4) realm
SSC fnYyh iqfyl] CAPFs SI o CISF ASI
ijh{kk] 13.03.2019(izFke ikyh)
750. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(1) violin (2) visionary
(3) vecious (4) voyage

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